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"Why am I here?"

That's the question everyone wonders about, isn't it? It's like it's this mystery meant to be solved. Most mysteries are meant to be solved. So I asked a few people about it.

"Well, you're here so--"

"No. Not me, you."


That was Elizabeth. She doesn't talk about topics like these much. She's always that one person who thinks life is all rainbows and unicorns. I mean, I do act like that, really often, I am an energetic person after all. But Elizabeth takes it to the next level. She gets everyone in town to participate in the most outrageous activities and trips, even the cold ones! She bought-- well attempted to row everyone, on this tiny - tiny boat to Paris once. Because it was her sister's name. I honestly enjoyed it, we all camped somewhere in the middle of a forest when the boat ended up going down a waterfall. How'd we get out? We all forgot. "The point of me being here to turn frowns - upside down!" She spun and striked a pose. "Haha!" I chuckled and I did the same. If you didn't know, I'm an actor. People always thought I was a comedian due to me sort of being the life of the party.

But here's what I know:

I'm Alexander Fyall. Alex for short. And life's an adventure, or at least that's what I usually think. Whether I'm spending time with my boyfriend, trying out a new cuisine, or even taking on an impossible challenge, I should be making the most of life. I believe life should be full of opportunities and surprises, so I try to stay open to any new opportunities and ideas that come my way. But lately, I've been feeling a bit - depressed. But what Seungho says...

"Alex, you shouldn't limit yourself. Acting isn't really all that important..."

That saying made my heart shatter, but I understood what he was trying to say. Back to Elizabeth...

"Why did you ask me this anyway? I'm helping Charlie set up Charlotte's birthday party right now, I'm what they call - A BUSY BEE!" I didn't notice that Elizabeth was holding two boxes at the same time I was talking to her. And I didn't notice it was Charlotte's birthday either. CRAP! She's the nicest person in town, and I forgot it was her birthday! Charlotte's more of the naive type than nice, in my opinion, but that doesn't stop her from being literally the most polite person in the world! She doesn't mind if her birthday party isn't rich and perfect, she doesn't mind if her husband is begging for her money because she gives it to him anyway, and she doesn't mind if trash is thrown on her by Zahrah... Zahrah. From what I know, Zahrah is an entirely different person compared to Charlotte. Zahrah has been feeling a bit jealous of Charlotte ever since she moved to town, as I have noticed she frequently enjoys mocking and insulting her, especially when her and I even go out to grab a drink. I work with Charlotte, so I am aware that her style ensures she does not allow hurtful words to bother her. I think. And I also forgot that today was Zahrah's birthday. Lately, I have been devoting a lot of my time to honing my acting films, sets, and all that stuff.

"So, you going Alex? I wouldn't last a second without you there." Charlie asks. Charlie was one of the sweetest people of all time, first place goes to my boyfriend.

"It took me a long time to end up convincing Seungho, you better come." Austin had with an exhausted look on his face. Gosh - it seemed like that guy was doing all the work. I am worried about him. "Obviously! Who wouldn't?!" I jumped up and down in excitement, forgetting almost everything. "Hey Alex, we could use some extra hands... Hard to carry all of this, especially in the woods." Bailey took four of her boxes she was holding and set them down at my feet. "I have to carry all of this?" I asked in surprise, feeling the weight of the items I was holding in my hands. Bailey nodded and, as if it were nothing, picked up four other boxes and walked away, not deterred by the obvious struggle I was facing. "You got it!" I said in a voice full of confidence. I quickly followed behind her, desperately attempting to keep up with the little figure sprinting in front of me. We soon arrived at the house and set out to get the decorations and the preparations done. Hours went by full of laughter and glee, but after much effort and hard work, we finished decorating. "Alright," Charlie sighed, holding a bell in her hands and giving it a loud, metallic ring. "I guess that's alright now! I'll just go around and check for missing details or for any other decorative elements I might have missed."

"Ok, I'll help a bit too." I declared

"Alex, you've done enough - you're fine." Charlie insisted. "Alrighty, I'll be back if you need any help." And after that moment, I went through hours of silence. And then, it was time. For her birthday. The rest of the fourteen including Elizabeth, Austin, Alex, and Seungho were there.

Charlotte's words uttered softly, "It's dark in here... Is this a surprise party...?" But I knew better; I think I knew what was really happening. That faint, terrified call in the distance could not have been a part of any surprise celebration. I heard someone yell out desperately, "HEEEELLLLPPPP—!" causing my eyes to widen and my mouth to drop open as I immediately realized it was a scream of desperation and agony. A voice then echoed under the room - our voices - shouting Charlie's name with an undertone of sheer panic and terror.

And then, with a sudden crackling sound, it was as though something was removed from beneath our feet. Colleen, yanked out her headphones, "T-The hell...?!" I heard a sound - a resounding snap - and before we all knew it - 

?!" I heard a sound - a resounding snap - and before we all knew it - 

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All of us were falling, as if something had abruptly shifted below. But that wasn't the most chilling thing -"KYAHAHAHAHA!" that laugh followed us down, as if mocking us, that sent chills down my spine. It trailed us as we continued falling, all the way into that eerie place,

The Murder House.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2023 ⏰

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