1. How to die a stupid death.

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I will be displaying warnings at the start of each chapter for those who are squeamish or may be uncomfortable with certain things etc.

MC death, mentions of depression, mentions of blood and a bit of gore. No beta.

I will say this once. I do not own Naruto or any of the characters. If I did The akatsuki would have never died. I do own a bit of the plot and my OCs but I don't own cannon. (Which is going to be shredded into itty bitty pieces)




In a society so advanced in medical technology and safety precautions, you don't normally ponder about getting crushed by a truck—or smooshed into nothing via a falling piano.

Well I didn't at least.

Adrenaline works wonders for you when you're bleeding out on the sidewalk, no pain, no thundering noise or explosions. Well there is pain but just like my consciousness it's fading fast. I almost couldn't hear the car alarms or the shouting (that sounded so faint they may as well be from the other side of the city) in the background. Just....Silence. It reminded me of being submerged underwater, only that the water was acid and you're only half drowning.

Peaceful is not be how I'd describe it, everything was elsewhere. No noise other than your own wheezing as you tried to scream with a shattered windpipe, as you do.

Just the norm.

In retrospect I've always thought my death would be more memorable, I mean losing a few limbs sure is memorable but still—I want a refund. If I was going to die I do it in style, flaming balls of fire and all. Not the cold hard concrete and rocks (or where they shards of glass?) that dug into my bleeding scalp. Not the hazy nausea or the ringing in my ears. (Was there ringing or was it just too silent? I can't tell anymore.)

I remember all those times a friend jokingly asked me how I wanted to die for fun. I remember always answering "With style and a shit ton of porn". It always got a scoff or a snort of laughter from my peers because hello? It sounded ridiculous.

I really should be more panicked about this. I'm missing both my arms and a bloody leg, both turned to mush underneath the weight of the car. (Not a fallen piano, although I do prefer that over the car) the situation haven't set in yet for me and everything felt numb. Even when my body uncontrollably jerked and thrashed thanks to the actual fucking electricity running through my veins.



My vision started to fade even more, no longer a mess of colors and double images but rather a painful collision of black spots and flashing neon lights. I hope thats the ambulance.

The faces of my friends and family flash before me in my mind, the last thing I see. It's a shame I couldn't say goodbye although I don't think I can talk right now, nor were they here with me. The smell of blood and the violent sting of electricity sends me off like a warm goodbye party sent by the devil. I tried speaking again but it only came out as a pathetic whine. Did trying to talk hurt? I couldn't tell anymore, everything was a blur.

I tried moving the tips of my fingers in an attempt to regain self control, they refused to obey my orders. My five senses were all dull and hazy, again like I was plunged into an unforgiving ocean. At this point I'd wish for the cold, or hot, or anything.

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