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As a child the world seems bright and mysterious. You spend your days playing with your toys and being loved on by your parents that continue to kiss and hug all on you. And you don't mind since they are your safe place providing you all the peace that you could possibly look for and ask for. Your mother spends her time in the kitchen making meals to feed your appetite so her beautiful child could grow healthy and strong remembering those meals her mother would spend all day working on to perfect the recipe she's made out of her love.

As a child everything is peachy and wonderful for those doll-like eyes perceive the world as wonderful and peaceful. But as you grow up the sun gets too bright, the grass dies, flowers wilt, guilt caves in, and your once bright smile fades in the wind. You become stressed, piles of work knock at your door and you just can't seem to catch a break.

Somewhere along that once messily decorated room, filled with bright colors and cartoons you once favored. Somewhere along those edges of the room, the room grew dimmer as those characters grew old and the colors grew tiring. Black and gray becomes a favorite colors on old and dingy walls. Unless you are of those who still stayed peachy using pastel colors to fit your bubbly attitude.
But somewhere along those lines. Pink or blue was replaced with black, white, or gray. Cartoon characters were replaced with dull walls with holes punctured into them. And happiness is replaced with sadness, depression, and sorrow that buries itself into your heart taking root and sucking all happiness you have.
As a child you wish for all of the toys in the world. And holidays are your favorite, spending all the time in the world with grandma and grandpa, Auntie Marlo and uncle Cain, Cousin Bre and Sam, And Mom and dad, and so many others who came or didn't.

But all things change and colorful days are replaced with rainy ones.
Now all the colors have drained out like water in the sink. No family, No holidays, No celebrations, No more bright colors and most of all

No more being a child.

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