Chapter 19 - A Favor To Pass

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I don't know what I was thinking.

I was talking to Luke about Lia like we had planned, but sometimes I think Luke is too nice. 

I told him about how she had stalked my social media profiles and found Sabrina. I told him about how she had asked Sabrina for secrets that she would probably spread around and use to ruin my entire social life.

Luke was obviously conflicted because, after all, Lia has been his friend since like seventh grade, so I get it, but I felt like he was justifying her actions a little too much. He kept repeating that he thought Lia was just stressed and didn't mean any harm. He kept saying that she was probably just asking Sabrina as a joke, and it didn't mean anything.

See, this is why I don't date super nice guys. They all end up being pushovers. You need to have the ability to say no to someone, otherwise, I'm leaving your ass. That's what made me fall for Adam in the first place. He didn't take crap from anyone and said it how it was. 

Luke and I continued our pointless argument for a few more minutes, but eventually, I realized that it was going nowhere, and began wrapping it up. Luke luckily seemed to take the hint, but just as I was about to stand up and brush off my jeans, who turns the corner?

That's right, Jake. It's always Jake. 

He always finds some way to torture me, mentally or physically, and I'm sure he's the root cause of my lack of sleep. 

He trots over to me and Luke, and I'm physically startled by his presence. I'm pretty sure that he notices this, but doesn't comment on it. He simply turns to Luke and asks him for a ride, to which Luke sighs and says he can't because of his student council meeting.

He could have just walked away and gone home, but I felt bad. It was freezing cold, and I knew how miserable his trip home would be. Therefore, I opened my stupid mouth and asked him if he wanted a ride.

Spoiler alert, he said yes.

So here I am, forcing myself to walk to the front of the school where I'll probably have to make awkward small talk with Jake for the next twenty to thirty-ish minutes. How delightful.

My parents are strict, and since the day I turned twelve, the rule has been that boys do not come over to our house and stay past 5:00 pm. Luckily, I don't think Jake will be staying over. If he did I'm pretty sure I'd be hyperventilating in a bathroom somewhere. Unexpected guests are an introvert's worst nightmare, especially one that's tall with gorgeous eyes and a charming smile.

I shoot my mom one more text, asking her where she is, and she responds almost immediately.

 I'm about 5 minutes away, I'll see you then😘

I smile and reply back with a simple red heart. I continue walking and shove my phone in my back pocket, taking deep breaths. This was a bad idea. I basically proposed the situation of trapping myself in a car with my mom and my crush. My mom will definitely know by the end of the drive that the boy in her backseat just so happened to be one that her daughter's infatuated with.

I turn the corner, and there he is. 

He's leaning against a wall, staring at a crumpled piece of paper held in his two hands. I can tell he's reading it as I watch his eyes scan the sheet, and suddenly stop. His eyebrows furrow and his eyes widen. Then I watch as a smile crosses his face, and it's a spectacular sight. 

Smiling is so underrated.

I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach, and I feel my heartbeat speed up. I'm frozen for a moment, but quickly regain my ability to move, and start over to where he's standing. My stomach continues to flip flop, and I run my hand against the lining of my backpack strap.

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