Ch.3- A chill stream with really unexpected reveals

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TW(Trigger Warning): Cuts, Bru!$e$, Phy$!c@l  abu$e 

12:08 am

Tommy's Apartment

Tommy was cleaning his apartment before an hour till he does his stream which will be chill while his girlfriend is asleep on his bed, he picks up his stuff and then makes his way to his computer but then his girlfriend wakes up and he goes,"did you sleep well em?" Which she nods yes and gets up while saying,"I'm going to cook some food for us meanwhile you stream alright?" which she walks to the door.

"Alright em" said Tommy as he looks at her while she walks to the door.

"What do you feel like eating today toms?" Asked em.

"oh I feel like eating pasta, what about you?" Said Tommy while giving her a smile.

"Same I'm tired of eating McDonalds for take out so pasta it is" chuckled em as she walked out the door leaving Tommy in his room to stream.

Tommy then went to his office and sat in his chair, then went to go call Tubbo before stream.

Tubbo answers the call and goes,"oh hey Tommy".

"Hey tubs, I'm planning on doing a chill stream today and I wanted to know if you wanted to do it with me and Drista once I call her" exclaimed Tommy in a excitedly manner.

"Sure Tommy, I would love to" replied tubbo in a calmly manner, something dumbledore in the Harry Potter movies couldn't even do when asking Harry about putting his name into the goblet of fire.

"Alright, let me call Drista and start the stream" said tommy as he started to scroll down his contacts for Drista which he eventually found dristas number.

"Alright toms!" Replied tubbo.

Tommy put tubbo on deafen and put himself on mute then started to call Drista and she answered his call.

"Hello?" Drista spoke in a nicely manner.

"Hey Drista, I wanted to know if you wanted to join my chill stream with me and tubbo?" Asked Tommy.



Tommy undeafened tubbo and says,"Shes joining us tubs!" as he clicks onto a website and puts a background non-copyrighted song for the stream.

Tommy starts the stream by saying,"HELLO CHAT, HOW ARE YOU???"

The streams chat was like exploding with thousands of chats would make people cower in fear including voldemort and dumbledore.

"Todays a chill stream with tubbo and drista as you can tell" He continued to speak.

Everything was going on until dristas call came out with....

"Drista! Why'd you never pick up the fucking phone you bitch?" Yelled a girl in the background of dristas call like a mixed american and british accent.

"Lils you're mixing your british and american accent and im on call with my brothers streamer friends" replied drista to Lillian.

"Oh and damn you couldve said so over text you prat" said lillian after she sat down on dristas bed.

Drista accidentally put her camera on the discord call and lillian was on the bed showing her stuff going on in her discord server for her streams when tommy looked at his chat and saw this...







Tommy then goes,"Whose that drista" as hes curious with tubbo as to who this girl is.

"This is my best friend- LILLIAN WTF-" drista starts to speak but then yells at lillian who just smacked her in the face with a pillow.

Tommy and tubbo start to laugh so hard while lillian goes,"Thank you thank you, if you want to see more of my dramatics please go to my twitch channel which is dristas friends chat!" where the chat kept blowing up as they kept chanting lillians name in the chat.

"Hello Lillian, I'm Tommy and This is Tubbo one of my best friends"

"Nice to meet you tommy and tubbo!"

After a while as the stream kept going and tommy decided to show drista and lillian plus tubbo his soundboard, this is what happened......

"you are a literal child tommy" replied Lillian

"Im not! I am a man, a big man i might add Lillian" Exclaimed Tommy.

The argument continued until drista yelled,"Holy shit Lilly your mom is pissed off"

Lillian stopped arguing with tommy and gave drista a look of fear but tried to hide it but she spoke as she fixes her position,"Oh...Ill talk to her then, by the way thats my cookie you ate you prick".

Lillian grabs her phone and walks to a corner of the room, which tommy quickly tells his chat a thank you for watching his stream and ends it just as lillian answers her moms phone call.....


"Lillian Where the fuck are you at?! You are supposed to be home to meet your family members that came from Britain that are in our family branch and yet your not here!?"

"Mom i can-"

"I don't hear any excuse! You are to come home right now and meet them then afterwards you will recieve your punishment for disobeying me!"

"But i swear i-"

"No buts or swears, get over here now!"

"Alright mother..."

The call hangs up and lillian starts to get her stuff together then puts her coat on with her beanie which tommy says,"You okay lillian? And nice wilby style-"

Tubbo then says,"haha you said wilby toms and are you okay?" as he continues to laugh which tommy glared at tubbo.

"Im fine and wilby? Whose wilby?" Said lillian with a confused look on her face.

"Wilby is a nickname tommy keeps saying to this guy which i hope you do know him as Wilbur soot" replied drista as she continued to chew on her gum.

"Oh" responded lillian as she realized and understood what she means.

"I gotta go now, see you guys!" Lillian spoke and waved at tommy, tubbo and drista, then walks out the door.

Tommy looked concerned with tubbo and asked drista one question....

"why was lillian like that?" he said.

"i have no idea tommy, everytime i ask her what happened everytime her mom got mad with her as i saw three bruises and cuts on her face, she would brush it off, its been like that since middle school...." replied drista with a sad expression and sighed as she looked at the discord call.

"do you think-" asked tommy but then drista cuts him off by saying,"i do but i don't want to pressure her into telling it to me....."

Tommy then understands and tubbo says,"Hey drist, are you and dream coming to brighton to meet up with the rest of the gang?"

Drista nodded and they continued to talk about the brighton trip and how cool it will be see each other for the first time ever after a long time online, meanwhile drista was talking bout twitchcon that was gonna be happening in a few weeks, in the netherlands like it always has been.


Authors note

i totally forgot i had this chapter done before everything with the qsmp and em's reveal but still this is probably going to be the only time i'll be mentioning em in this story because i respect her privacy and stuff.

sorry yeah heres a very very late chapter!

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