Blind ~

13 1 0

A tear fell down slowly from my eye,
across my cheek.
Until it reached my chin.
I tilted my head back,
and the tear ran down from my chin,
going down my jaw.
I didn't care if I didn't hear anyone or anything through the music,
locked in my room.
I wanted to escape this reality,
go somewhere else.
Sleep away time,
and never wake up.
Or to swim until I reach what's called peace.
I drowned in my thoughts every night,
every day,
every week,
every month and every year.
For eternity.
Acting like I was in another reality I did,
with people that wasn't really there.
I swear I could look them in the eyes sitting next to me,
I saw things that others didn't.
I saw a man staring at me once,
he had no face,
he was just black as the night.
Sleep paralysis,
is hell.
Seeing things in a room,
a space where you don't know.
People staring.
But you just stand there,
waiting for it to do something to you.
But it never does,
it never reaches out to you.
You are left there alone,
in complete darkness.
But this isn't only about a sleep paralysis is it? You're just so innocent and blind that you can't see.

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