Chapter Two

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The next morning, I noticed the moving truck again across the street. I've been curious about our new neighbor ever since our encounter yesterday. Today he has two other guys helping him carry boxes and furniture into the house. I still have no idea what his name is. I watch them as they go in and out of the house. I wonder what their stories are. I love watching people. Sometimes I go to the mall and sit just to watch people. Not in a creepy way, but just because I am fascinated by people's stories. On the surface, they can be anyone I want them to be. We could be connected in ways we don't even know about.

I wonder if my mom was right. If he really is an unfriendly person or if he was just having a bad day yesterday. But today he has two guys helping him, so he must at least be friendly to them. I stay on my bed, looking out the window for a few more minutes until I smell something delicious coming from downstairs and get up to see what it is.

"Hey sweetie, I baked a batch of your favorite cookies and thought we could take them together to the new neighbor."

I agree and pick up the container of cookies on the counter, hoping he is in a better mood today.

"Hi there", mom says as we approach the driveway. He stops and looks at me first, then at mom. He's wearing an old t-shirt with the sleeves cut off, showing his tanned muscles. He's sweaty from moving and because it's June in Georgia.

"Hey again", he says looking at me, then at mom who finally chimes in.

"I'm Carol, Naomi's mother."

His gaze drops to the container of cookies I'm holding. Mom continues, "We brought over some of Naomi's favorite homemade cookies."

"Thanks", he says as I hand him the container. He hesitates a moment before setting the cookies down and getting back to work. The other guys barely noticed us.

Mom looks at me like she's waiting for me to make the next move. "You're welcome", I say standing there. He doesn't say anything else. I give mom the "let's go" look and we turn around to head back to our house. She doesn't say much when we get back in our driveway, but I'm pretty sure she's thinking the same thing that I am.

What's wrong with him?

Later that day, we headed to mom's bookstore downtown. She had always dreamed of owning her own bookstore. She used to visit this bookstore several times a week, getting to know the owner, Betty. They became so close that when Betty decided it was time for her to retire, mom was the first person she offered the store to. Of course, it was a deal that she couldn't pass up.

She has worked so hard to give the bookstore her touch. Adding new and used books, and some knick knacks she found in various antique stores around town. We start unpacking the box of new shipments and arranging the displays up front. Since I graduated from high school, I've been working here to help her out. I've always loved reading and being around books. There's nothing like the smell of new books. I've met many customers and now they come to me for book recommendations. Reading has been like therapy for me, a way to escape reality.

We finish unboxing the new books and arranging them on the display up front and then mom leaves me to finish the shift and close the store. Sometimes when I'm closing, my boyfriend Miller comes by and brings me dinner and stays while I lock up. Miller is the epitome of a true southern gentleman. He's on the high school football team, has shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes and drives a nice truck. It was a gift from his parents when he was accepted to The University of Georgia on a football scholarship. I've never understood why, out of all the pretty girls in our school, I ended up being his girlfriend.

I hear the bells on the front door jingle and see Miller walking in with two drinks and a bag of food from our favorite Chinese restaurant. He sets the food on the counter and gives me a hug and kiss. I haven't seen him the last couple of days because he's been busy packing for his move to the dorm in a few weeks. "Did you get everything packed?", I ask as I put some fried rice onto my plate.

"Everything but you", he replies.

I smile, but don't know what to say to that. He asks me about my weekend, and I tell him nothing out of the ordinary happened. "I helped mom take boxes to the clubhouse for our neighborhood yard sale." I decided not to mention the new unfriendly neighbor.

"Sounds like you've been busy", he says sarcastically.

"Very", I say.

We both eat without saying anything for the next few minutes and then I can't help but address the elephant in the room. "I can't believe that in just a few weeks you'll be moving and starting college." I knew going to The University of Georgia had been a dream of his since he was a boy. It's where both of his parents went to college and where they met.

"I know, this summer has really flown by. I still wish you'd consider moving to Athens. You could find a job there and get an apartment", he says. But I know that when he moves, he will be busy with classes and football. It wouldn't be difficult for me to find a job and he's even offered to connect me with a few people he knows, but who would help mom at the bookstore? I wouldn't know anyone there except Miller.

"I'd like to just visit you a few times and see if I like it there."

"You're just saying that to make me feel better."

I sigh. I know he's right about me being able to find a job there, but I have no desire to move away from everything I know. I love it here. I don't say that though. "I'm sure I'll love it once I visit", I say.

"I'm really going to miss you, Naomi."

"I'm going to miss you too, but at least you'll only be a couple hours away. I'll be visiting all the time."

"I hope so", he says. 

The last customer in the store comes to the counter to check out. While I'm checking them out, Miller cleans up our plates from dinner. After the customer is gone, I lock up and Miller walks me to my car. He gives me a goodbye kiss and says he will call me in the morning. When I get home, the moving truck across the street is gone and only the porch light is on.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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