An Odd Sense Of Familiarity

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After a particularly terrible battle, Scout couldn't help but feel like he was the reason they lost. His team was undoubtedly upset with him. He costed them a win all because he sucked at his own damn job!

The piercing stares of his angry and disappointed team made his stomach lurch. He was sure they were cursing him out in their heads. Scout wanted to yell, to apologize and to acknowledge everything he did wrong, but nothing seemed to come out.

Then, he heard a deep huff from behind him. Scout swiveled his head to see Commander, a certain look of what could best be described as frustration tainting his face. His leader was talking to the DJ before turning, meeting Scout's upset and panicked gaze.

An intense feeling of shame washed over him.

Scout sniffled. Tears began to roll down his cheeks beyond his control. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Shit. He shouldn't be crying. Especially not in front of the commander.

Fully expecting to be yelled at for showing weakness, he was completely surprised to see Commander's stern, upset expression soften into one of genuine concern. The short man made his way over to Scout.

"Scout, are you alright?" Commander asked, voice soft. Scout wiped his face roughly, ignoring the sting on his cheeks.

"Yes. Y-Yes, I'm fine, sir. I just got stuff in my eyes. Sir."

"Scout." Commander's stern tone made Scout snap. He burst into tears.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just– I had a rough day. I'm sorry. I won't cry any more! I won't keep messing up, I swear! I won't –" Scout's rambling was cut off by a warm, comforting softness enveloping him.

It was Commander.

"Hey, Scout, it's okay. It's okay. Shh...shh... it's okay," Commander cooed softly. "Sugar, you could've told me you had a rough day. I wouldn't have snapped at you." Scout let out a strained whimper of shame. "C'mere." He pulled Scout even closer.

His leader rubbed Scout's back in slow, comforting circles. Scout wrapped his arms around Commander's torso, immediately sobbing into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He couldn't find anything else to say other than stuttered out apologies. Commander sighed.

"Baby, it's okay. Don't apologize for that. It's entirely my fault for not acknowledging your pain." Scout felt slightly confused. He had no idea Commander was so loving. Nor did he expect to be called pet names by him.

Scout wept on his shoulder. "Let it out, honey. I'm here for you, okay? Just cry." He squeezed Scout a little, ensuring Scout was safe in his presence. "We can take as much time as you need."

The younger man felt incredibly guilty. He was most certainly drenching Commander's uniform with tears and snot. He wasn't supposed to cry — he was in the military now! What tough military man sobs into his leader's arms like that?!

Despite Scout's painful guilt, he continued to squeeze Commander like his life depended on it, loudly crying and wailing. Commander didn't comment on his tight grip, instead opting to coo reassurance and pet at his back and head.

"Take deep breaths. You're gonna suffocate yourself if you keep hyperventilating, Scout," Commander gently scolded. "Can you try to breathe with me?"

Scout couldn't feel his hands, as they were numb, nor could he sense anything around him other than Commander. His head was swirling with distressed thoughts.

Upon hearing Commander's question, he let out a little "yes". "Good. Now, try to copy what I do." Commander didn't pull away, still keeping Scout in a secure hug. Scout heard Commander breathe in, to which Scout copied as Commander instructed, and then breathe out.

Soon enough, Scout felt himself mellow out bit by bit. He still hiccuped and sniffled, eyes aching from tears, but he wasn't panicking like he was then. His grip on Commander's jacket softened a little.

"Are you okay, sugar?" Commander asked again. Scout sucked in a shaky breath and exhaled slowly. He silently nodded, pressing his chin against his leader's shoulder.

The two pulled apart, yet Commander kept his hands on Scout's shoulders, not-so-discreetly eyeing his snotty, wet face with a worried look.

"S-Sorry, sir," Scout choked. He felt quite embarrassed after regaining his senses, to say the least. He couldn't believe he just collapsed into his leader's arms like that, sobbing, nonetheless. Sure, he saw Commander as an admirable guy, possibly even...father-like (which Scout never really told anyone, knowing damn well he'd get made fun of for it), but he didn't expect to be practically smothered in his embrace.

Commander frowned. "Don't apologize. You did nothing wrong, Scout." Ah, there goes the pet names. Scout fought back the twang of disappointment at that.

"No, no. Don't lie to me! I ruined this whole mission for you!" His rambling started up again. Commander noticed his fingers twitching. "If I wasn't on this mission, you guys would've won! I ruin everything because I'm too weak and I have no clue what I'm doing! It would be better without me, so you guys don't let the public down."

"Scout. Quit that—"

"I am a complete and utter disappointment! How do you even keep up with me anymore?! I'm really sorry for the loss today."

"Listen to me." Commander's tone dipped into his menacingly stern one. Scout paused and swallowed, cowering down ever so slightly. Once getting his youngest member to stop rambling, his voice softened, however still retaining that firmness. "It pains me to see you talk so shittily about yourself. Believe me, I value you so much as a teammate. You mean a lot to me and I can't stress that enough."

Scout felt tears well up again, this time out of appreciation.

"I would never let you go. This team needs you, whether you think so or not. Scout," he squeezed Scout's shoulders, eyes trained on his own, "you're like a son to me. Why would I leave you because of a simple mistake? We have plenty of battles ahead of us to beat. This one is nothing in comparison to the others!"

He couldn't help but pull Commander into another hug. "Thanks, Dad." The name completely slipped, making Scout freeze up for a glimpse, but Commander didn't seem to mind.

"Of course, sugar."


The team didn't take long to clean up, soon finding themselves in a very cramped and stuffy humvee. Scout was chatting with Minigunner quietly, trying to put his mind on something that wasn't the loss. Minigunner, being the good friend he was, intently listened, nodding and humming with every point Scout made.

Commander was watching them from the other side of the truck, making sure that no other towers were giving Scout any pointed stares. After the whole ordeal, he felt an odd flare of protectivenesses for the man. DJ noticed his intense staring and just smiled, glancing away and acting as if he knew something Commander didn't.

For the rest of the day, Commander kept an eye on Scout. He would get awfully flustered when DJ commented that he was acting like a mother hen towards him, but deep inside he knew he most definitely was. He really couldn't help it.

All Commander wanted was Scout to feel safe. If it meant he would have to suffer, then so be it. He would never let Scout feel so down on himself ever again.

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