Character Oc Information

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{Picture of what Brenda looks like. We don't own this image. All rights go to owner(s).}


Full Name: Brenda Wayne

Name Meaning: Flame or Sword

Hero Alias: Batwoman

Nickname(s): Bree, Brendy, Brendis, Brendiuski, Brendiux, Bebe, Ms. Wayne, Ms. Brenda, Ms. B (by Dick Grayson), Gotham's Finest Jewel, The Billionaire Orphan, The Batwoman, The Dark Vigilante, Batsy (by Joker), Scary Woman, etc.

Birth Date: October 7th, 1915

Age: 26 years old

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Elegant, charismatic, charming, graceful, seductive, beautiful, mysterious, independent, serious, smart, realistic, observant, rational, courageous, determined, fierce, strong, intimidating, inventive, confident, kind, caring, maternal, helpful, selfless, stubborn, quick-witted, etc.

Occupation: CEO of Wayne Enterprises; Vigilante

Voice Actress: Scarlett Johansson

Hero Outfit: (Imagine it was dark gray costume, black mask w/ white eyes, dark blue highlights, gold utility belt, and a black bat-emblem)

Hero Outfit:  (Imagine it was dark gray costume, black mask w/ white eyes, dark blue highlights, gold utility belt, and a black bat-emblem)

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Alignment: Lawful Good

Powers/Abilities: Peak Human Conditioning, Peak Human Beauty, Peak Human Reflexes, Peak Human Strength, Peak Human Speed, Peak Human Endurance, Peak Human Agility, Peak Human Durability, Genius Level Intellect, Master of Stealth, Martial Arts Master, Master Acrobat, Master Detective, Master Tactician and Strategist, Escapologist, Indomitable Will, etc.

Affiliation(s): Bat Family; Justice League

Equipment(s): Grapple Gun, Batwave, Utility Belt, Batmobile, Batboat, Batwing, Bat-Glider, Batcycle, Bat-Bot, Multiple Batsuits, etc.

Weapon(s): Batarangs, Mini-Bombs, Tear-Acid, etc.

Birthplace: Gotham City

Residence: Wayne Manor

Home City: Gotham City

Family Member(s): Thomas Wayne (father; deceased), Martha Wayne (mother; deceased), Alfred Pennyworth (surrogate father), Dick Grayson (adopted son), etc.

Friends/Allies: Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Batgirl, Catman (sometimes), James Gordon, Lucius Fox, Detective Ethan Bennett (best friend), Detective Ellen Yin, Martian Manhunter, Superman, The Green Lantern, Green Arrow, The Flash, etc.

Enemies: Joker, Penguin, Mr. Freeze, Bane, Riddler, Killer Croc, Rag Doll, Rumor, Ethan Bennett (formerly), Harvey King/Harvey Kingston (male Harley Quinn), Hugo Strange, The Joining, Everywhere Man, Lex Luthor, Mercy Graves, Count Vertigo, Mirror Master, Sinestro, Shadow Thief, Wrath and Scorn, Tony Zucco, The Terrible Trio, Catman/Summer Kyle (male Catwoman; sometimes), Poison Oak/Paul Oakley (male Poison Ivy), etc.

Love Interest(s): Various males characters

Likes: Her family, order, saving the day, justice, children, charity events, cooking, reading, fighting the crime, etc.

Dislikes: Corrupt police, criminals, chaos, death of her parents, her family and friends in danger, sexism, being underestimated, having failed, men who flirt with her, etc.

Background Information: Brenda Wayne is the daughter of the late Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne. She is also the sole heir to the family fortune and to her father's company, Wayne Industries.

After the brutal death of her parents, Brenda vowed to rid Gotham of all crime by becoming the vigilante known as, Batwoman. As Brenda Wayne, this elegant and charismatic wealthy young philanthropist, who also is considered the most beautiful woman in all of Gotham.

But, as Batwoman, she is a fierce and ruthless crime fighter, yet moral and caring for the lives of the innocent. Because of herself being a woman, she suffers a lot of misogynistic criticism from the public, whether as Brenda Wayne or Batwoman.

But unconsciously, Brenda inspires a lot in the certain world (including women). Brenda had a soft spot for children, like when she adopted Dick Grayson and has become a caring and concerned mother to him.

Although, she was strongly opposed to him becoming a crime fighter like herself, she reluctantly agreed to do so. But, Brenda still remained very protective of him and makes sure to help Dick if needed.

Because of her immense beauty, she is often the victim of constant harassment from her many unwanted suitors, even as Batwoman.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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