Scarlette at the rainbow friends place and the island destroyed

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Back with the rainbow friends*

The girls hang out

The boys hang out*

Tranno came in with Scarlette*

Scarlette flits with him

Tranno smiles*

Indigo sees her and barks*

Scarlette yelps

Orange: What is it Indigo? *sees her* What the? Hey aren't you Scarlette that escaped?

Scarlette- Yeah so ?

Green came: Scarlette? Who's-*sees her* Whoa....

Scarlette looks

Purple, Blue, Grey and Gold sees her and they're amazed*

Violette , Pink , Sharon , Laura , Asuna and SkekSizzle are jealous

Chuba looks: Oh boy... things will get ugly here babe.

She looks and sees if Chuba will fall for her as well

Chuba snuggles her: She is not my type babe, your my only sweetie kitty.

White blushes

White- Really ?

Chuba: Yes really....

She smiled and snuggles him before Red came in with Rouge

Red sees her: Oh no! Not her! She's back!

Rouge I can see....

Tranno looks*

Scarlette- they think I'm dangerous

Tranno: I'm jealous now.

The Rainbow friends see their lovers leaving in a fit of jealousy

Orange: What's up with our lovers?

Rouge-( Sarcastically ) Oh I dont know. A certaon group of ronnow colored monsters who are supposed to be loyal to their wives is looking at a more younger and attractive woman !

Green: Oh boy....

Laura- Hmph !

Grey: Why do I get the feeling they'll throw stuff at us?

First Pink throws Blue's crown at Blue's face

Blue: Ow! Hey!

Sharon throws a stress ball at Green

Green: Ow!

Asuna throws a pie at Oranges face

Orange: Ah!

Violette throws Purples wallet at him

Purple: Hey!

They see their girls angry.

Violette- Get out.......

Grey: Oh boy, we're in trouble now.

The girls are all angry red and started throwign stuff at them

Girls- GET OUT !!!!

Laura- Feeling perverts !!

Violette cheaters !

Sharon holds a sign that says

" No googly eyes perverts or big breasted women allowed"


Orange: Okay now we need to find a way to make it out to our lovers.

Blue covers his face: Your telling me!

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