Chapter:1 Who is he?

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"Dad! You look amazing, Let's buy this." Said Y/N, to her dad. "Oh c'mon, Don't you think it's a bit expensive?" Said her dad, "Oh old man, Even after owning a big ass mansion, your mind is still miser" - Y/N "Okay okay, let's buy this" -Y/D "That's like a good man" - Y/N "Let's go home now." -Y/D "Okaaaay.." -Y/N

••••In the car••••

Car music system: Breaking News!! Two more girls get kidnapped by the rich mafia! What does he do with them? Is he the handler of the girls' racket? No one knows! Please keep your daughters, sisters, and friends safe!! We'll get an update when we find the real truth about this. Till then please be in contact with us!"

Y/N: That's disgusting. How could the mafia do this? He isn't a god, he doesn't have rights for any human being.

Y/D: Let it be, Just be safe. I'll provide a GPS for you. You will go wherever you want but with your brother. Okay?

Y/N: Okay.

••At Home••

Y/N: ••Thinking about the mafia•• I need to find the truth and save those innocent girls. That a$$h0l€ doesn't have any rights so I'll take the step to move forward to this.

Matthew: Hey dumbo! What you thinking?

Y/N: Nothing.

Matthew: Oh c'mon don't lie. I heard what you were saying. You want me to tell dad about this? Because I ain't supporting you in this one.

Y/N: Oh c'mon, Do you think a coward like me will be able to take a step? Obviously no. I was thinking about making a movie on this so I was practicing the script.

Matthew: Well, Goodluck for your already flop movie.

Y/N: Yeah.

•••At night•••

Y/N: Okay then, Let's sleep.

Matthew: Y/N?

Y/N: Hmm?

Matthew: Wake me up at 6:00 am. I have to go to college.

Y/N: Okay.


Y/N: Dad, I'm going to college.

Y/D: You want me to drop you?

Y/N: Nah, I'm fine. What's for breakfast, mom?

Y/M: Pancakes!!

Y/N: Omg, Thanks!!

••At the college••

Y/N: Have you heard the news about the mafia?

Rachel: I did, It's so dangerous. He lives in our city, Man.

Y/N: Right.

Rachel: But I heard he's handsome.

Y/N: Shut your mouth.

Rachel: Everyone says he's a virgin. He just kidnaps girls for his racket.

Y/N: Oh c'mon, He's a mafia. He must have done it with several girls now. What you think is just a rumor, forget about it and be safe.

Rachel: I guess so.

???: Well, I guess He's here.

Who's it? What do you think? What will happen in chapter 2?

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