Chapter 11*

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To hades it seemed like November was over in the blink of an eye, it was their owls year and the teachers seemed determined to bury them with school work, the only exciting thing was the confirmation that Blaise and Draco were expecting, he had been on cloud nine for days afterwards and not even Dumbledore could bring his mood down. "Harry" Hermione called out as she walked into the lounge area, it was finally the weekend, meaning they could slip away to their haven, "Yes, Sister mine?" Harry asked "do you think it's possible to give another person a Phoenix form like you've done for your mates" she asked curiously, it had been bugging her since she found out her brother's mates were able to change into snakes. "I might be able to, however I'm not certain if it'll work through a bite or if I would have to cry on an open wound" Harry said, thinking it over in his head, the two looked at each other before calling for their brother "what do you two want?" Ron asked as he entered into the room, the others slowly trickling in after him.

"We need your help with an Expirement" Hermione said sweetly, "Fuck" ron cursed, he would try to make a run for it but he wouldn't make it far if Harry decided to use his shadows or worse, Cerberus. "Fine" he agreed defeated "But it better not be another fucking candy" He said with a shudder as he glared a the two menaces he called siblings, he couldn't stop meowing like a cat for a momth after the last candy they gave him. "It's not, and that candy wasn't even that ba-" Hermione was saying when she got interrupted by Peeves and Myrtle
"Moon's in trouble, she sent us to get you my king" Peeves said immediately. " Neville is there as well, ravens cornered them" Myrtle said worriedly, she personally loved the unique raven like a sister and hated that her old house was bullying one of their own, but sadly it wasn't something new for the house, house of creativity but they bullied and hated you if you were different. The siblings shared a brief look before they bolted towards the tunnels, the others followed suit, curious to see what was going to happen "7th floor by the old hag" peeves said before the group turned down a series of pipes.

They stepped out into the hallway and saw 10 Ravenclaws circling their bruised little moon and a battered looking Neville, A burning Rage surged through the siblings, Protectiveness reared up as well, that was their little sister, their little moon, no one was going to get away with hurting her. The three were a blur as they cursed and hexed the bullies without once uttering a word, the rest of the team stood and watched in awe, they rarely got to see the original olympians fighting together and it always awed them that they could move so coordinated and trust each other that much to have their back. "How bad are you hurt Little Moon?" Harry asked concerned as he held her in his arms, Luna clung to her older brother, she felt tired as the adrenaline started to wear off, "They cast some kind of spell on me and then some hexes, I felt so helpless" she sobbed, clinging to her brother, she hated how helpless she felt, Hermione and Ron joined the hug, their main concern was comforting their little sister while she let out heart breaking sobs. "I'm ready" she said with determination, she would never feel or be that helpless again, "are you sure " Harry asked, he wanted his sister to be sure on this, there was no backing out once she agreed  "Yes my king" she replied determinedly.

" Hermione, Pansy make sure none of them remember our Identities " Hades ordered as he stood up with luna in his arms, what ever spell they cast was slowly leaving but her legs couldn't support her at the moment. "Neville will join" Luna said tiredly as she leaned her head on her brother's shoulder "Ares, inform Neville, he'll be joining along side Luna" Hades ordered as he entered back into the tunnels.
Once inside the Infirmary, Hades placed her on one of the beds, checking her vitals to ensure she was getting better, "Welcome  Apollo, Goddess of sun, light, truth, prophecy, oracle, disease, healing, poetry, music, dance, art, knowledge, archery and plagues, to the Olympians" hades said, a smile forming on his face as he looked at the joy on his sister's face. "He's Dionysus" Apollo whispered to her brother causing him to nod "Welcome Dionysus, God of vine, grape-harvest, wine-making, Wine, fertility, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, Theatre, Orchards, Fruits, Vegetation, and Insanity, to the Olympians" hades said as the group cheered for it's newest members.

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