one: What did you think I'd say to that?

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Anya was crammed beside the man who's name she learned to be Tangerine and across from his brother Lemon

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Anya was crammed beside the man who's name she learned to be Tangerine and across from his brother Lemon.

A man in a brown coat bumped into the little food cart and then into Tangerine "Bloody fuckin' hell. Do you mind?" he scoffed, fixing his jacket. While the food lady was distracted Anya reached over Tangerine and snatched a juice box while Tangerine grabbed two goldfish cookies.

"What is he, fucking blind or something?" Tangerine grumbled, pulling out the two cookies "gimme one" Anya said grabbing one "Hey, hey, hey. Come on." Lemon huffed, disappointed.

"Oh, come on, nicking...? No. You don't have to Nick the biscuits, man." Lemon whispered "Why'd I do that? It's like I got a compulsion or something. I have to take it if I see it." Tangerine asked, while Lemon stared at Anya "what you want me to unsteal it?" she scoffed "Need to talk to someone. Serious." Lemon said looking away from the two.

"A goldfish biscuit? I mean, I don't, I don't understand it." Tangerine said, handing the other one to Anya.

"Lems, you've got blood on you" Anya said pointing to his white shirt "Oh, mate, shit.
Oh, shit, man. Oh, fuck. Who the fuck did I kill?" Lemon panicked "Get a wet one on it or something." Tangerine grumbled looking away from his brother.

"Oh, it's not mine, mate." Lemon sighed, relieved. "Oh, it's not yours?" Tangerine asked mockingly "what a relief" Anya teased "Yeah. I don't bleed" Lemon smiled, proudly.

"Oh, in that case, just leave your jacket open, let everyone have a good old look." Tangerine huffed "Yeah, I want everyone to see my tie." Lemon said, holding his jacket open "it is a very nice tie" Anya smirked "Yeah, yeah. Fuck is wrong with you?
Pull your coat together so no one else notices, lemon." Tangerine dropped his hand down "that's enough commentary princess" His hand squeezed her thigh "is it?" Anya looked up at him, raising a brow.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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