Ep 3: Karma Time

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Chapter 3: Karma's First Appearance?!
Episode #3: Karma Time

"Everything will start soon so please seat down." As the host said thia everyone seat down.

Asano seats with frown on his face 'Why do I have a bad feeling about this?' He thought to himself

The scene opened outside the campus as the students' voice were heard.

"One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven!" They counted as they practice stabbing.

"We all know that that wasn't normal" Tsuchiya said. Yada sighed and asked her "So far what have you seen normal except the fact we are on E class?" she asked. Tsuchiya went silent

"The sounds of exercise echoing across the field on a sunny afternoon, how peaceful!" Koro-sensei said as he holds the flower "If the students didn't have prey in their sights, that is." He added

"Wield your knives properly from all eight directions, now." Karasuma -who stood besides Koro-sensei- said as the rest of the class practiced wielding their knives.

"From now on, I'm in charge of phys ed." Karasuma said to Koro-sensei not giving him a glance. The said teacher looked down "That makes me a little lonely." He said.

"A secret agent for phys ed? They sure have it all huh?" Takada whispered to Tanaka who nods, both boys are jealous.

"Didn't I tell you to make yourself scarce during this period? Go play in the sandbox." Karasuma said pointing behind him.

Koro-sensei do as told but he sobs as he do it. "You're so mean, Karasuma-sensei. Why, my students happen to like my gym classes!" He whined.

"You do?" asked Araki

"NO!" said E class in unison

The scene switches to Sugino and Sugaya who stopped practicing as Sugaya sighed "Liar. Koro-sensei's physical abilities are just too different." Sugaya frowns "Remember that one time?" Sugino asked as a flashback begins.

"Now let's try jumping side to side. I'll show you how it's done." Koro-sensei said before demonstrating it to them, but he was too fast for them to see.

"AS IF!" Sugino, Maehara, amd Okajima shouted as their mouth went wide open.

Everyone's jaw dropped except E class' who sighed.

"Once you're used to it, toss some cat's cradle into the mix." He do as told just showing how good he is at this.

"DAMN, HE'S GOOD!" Sugino, Maehara, amd Okajima shouted once again.

"HOW THE FUCK?!" asked Koyama the E class giggles at that as Asano groaned.

The flashback ends

"He's just too far out." Nakamura said as she filded her arms "I'd like a human teacher for gym, thanks." Sugino said

Koro-sensei heard this flinched and going back to his sobbing "Boo hoo hoo..." he sobbed.

"WHAT IS HE A BABY?!" shouted a student from B Class. "Well he is kind of?" Yoshida thinks as Muramatsu nodded. "He really is a child, you know?" Hazama yawned as Terasaka nodded.

Others sweatdropped at the fact E-class took it so well.

"Okay, let's get back to work." Karasuma said.

"But Karasuma-sensei, is there any point to all this training? And should we be doing it right in front of our target?" Maehara asked

"It's the same in assassination as in studying. Drill the basics and they'll serve you well." Karasuma answered 'The same?' Thought Nagisa.

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