𝙴𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚢 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚝

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Over the next few days, Stella was having more dizzy spells. One even happened during a call. She was able to hold herself together. Not wanting anyone at 51 to know. Especially Kelly. She drove herself to Med. As she walked in. She was short of breath, felt very fatigued and woozy. Maggie saw her right away as she was still in her uniform.

"Stella. Honey. Are you OK? You look pale. What's going on?"

"Hi Maggie. No, something is wrong. Over the past few days I have been experiencing severe dizzy spells. A couple of times I even blacked out"

"OK. Let's get you to a bed and I will get a doc to see you right away"

Stella changed into a gown. Waiting for a doc. Soon after, Dr. Halstead came in.

"Hi Stella. So your not feeling well? "

"No, I have been having these awful dizzy spells and have blacked out a couple of times. I had an episode on a call today but was able to work through it. I feel something is wrong. This has never happened to me. I eat well. Always staying hydrated"

"OK. Let's do some tests. Starting with some blood work. See what's going on and we can go from there"


Will noticed how anxious Stella seemed.

"Stella. It's OK. We will get to the bottom of what's going on"

Maggie came in and drew some blood.

About an hour later, Dr. Halstead returned. He had a concerning expression on his face.

"So Stella, your blood work showed your WBC count is very elevated. This concerns me. I am sending you for a CT scan to get some definitive answers"

"Elevated WBC count means...Cancer? Oh my god"

Stella having medic training was quite versed medically.

"Stella, we don't know anything yet. Try to relax until we know what's actually going on"

Stella nervously waited after her CT scan.

"Stella, I have an answer for you. You have a rare form of bone marrow cancer called Myelofibrosis. This disrupts your body at producing blood cells. It causes scarring in your bone marrow. You are going to need a bone marrow transplant. This is a rare form of Leukaemia. We need to find you a bone marrow match. I'm going to admit you"

Stella called Boden to let him know she was under the weather. She was sick with a virus and wouldn't be able to work for a bit. He was concerned. Stella assured him she was OK. But Boden felt like something was off. Stella never got sick and rarely missed a shift. He accepted what she was telling him...for now.

Stella had thought she had all her bases covered. She had forgotten since she had no family and divorced, that she had made Kelly her emergency contact when they became close friends. She needed to have someone.

Over the next 24 hours. Stella had become very ill. She had spiked a bad fever and slipped into a unconscious state. She needed a bone marrow transplant quickly.

Maggie looked at Stella's chart. Seeing Kelly was her emergency contact. Maggie of course knew Kelly well as Med and 51 were one big family. Legally, he needed to be called given Stella's grave status.

Kelly was at home. After a long shift. Just as he sat down to crack a beer, his phone started ringing. 'Chicago Med' came across his screen. He thought that was weird. Everyone at 51 was safe. It was a slow day. No one had gotten hurt.


"Hi Kelly. This is Maggie from Med"

"Oh, hi Maggie. Is everything OK?"

"No. Actually it's not Kelly. You are listed as Stella's emergency contact"

"Maggie. Is Stella OK?"

"Stella came in earlier complaining of severe dizzy spells over the past few days. Dr. Halstead ran tests. They have found that she has a rare form of Leukaemia, that is attacking her bone marrow. She's very sick, Kelly. She is unconscious right now but stable. We are trying to get her fever down. She needs a bone marrow transplant before it's too late. We need to start testing and try and find a match"


Kelly arrived and found Maggie who brought in Dr.
Halstead. Kelly was distraught. How had he not known she was sick? He couldn't lose her.

"OK. Start with me for testing. See, if I'm a match. If I'm not we can go to everyone at 51. But first, I need to see her. And then you can test me"

"Of course m, Severide. I will take you to see her. When you are ready, we can go and get you tested"

As Kelly walked into Stella's room. He felt like collapsing. She looked so pale. His Stella. He chuckled, remembering when she told him she had made him her emergency contact.

He sat down beside her bed. Holding onto her hand.

"Hi Stel. How come you didn't tell me you were sick, sweetheart? I'm right here. We are going to find you a match and get you all better, OK? When your all better, I'm taking you home with me and taking care of you. No arguments. I kinda love you, Stella Kidd. You need to fight and get better"

Kelly gave a soft kiss to Stella's forehead.

As he walked with Maggie to get tested. He was silently praying that he could save her one more time. He didn't want to live a life without, he couldn't. Tears pooling in his eyes....

𝚂𝚃𝙴𝙻𝙻𝙰𝚁𝙸𝙳𝙴 ❤️‍🔥 𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊'𝚜 𝙵𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora