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- Ok, but I'm going to play Roblox now! I'll go down till dinner ok? said Anna.

- Fine, but don't play Roblox the whole time, please. said her mom.

Anna didn't listen to her mom, she played roblox for an hour. Anna was going to leave, until a guy said something fun. She started to hang with him in the game. They played for 1 hour, till the guy asked if they could add each other on discord. Anna said yes and asked for his name. It was Ben he said. They had been talking for hours that day on discord. Ben had said that his only brother who was his only friend just had died.

The next day they started to chat a little bit. Suddenly Ben sent Anna "Wanna send nudes, we can keep it a secret." Anna said "No, I don't have any." Cause she thought it meant secrets, but it didn't. Then he said "Take some?" But you can't take any secrets, so Anna went to translate. She translated nudes.. Then she realised what he had sent her. Anna said to Ben that she didn't wanna do it. just when she had sent that, Ben sent "THAT WASNT ME IT WAS MY BROTHER" But Anna remember that he had said that his only brother was dead. She search up Ben B*******w, but nothing, then she search Benjamin instead, but still nothing. She search up his brother. It came up about a dead boy. She realised that he had lied about his name, and she started to think that he was lying about his age to.

Anna told her friends about it. Cause she didn't wanna tell her parents. Cause she already knew that it would be a big thing. Then later that night, Anna told her older sister about everything. Her older sister said that she was going to delete him on discord and Roblox. So Anna did what her sister had told her. 

Anna told her other friend about it the next day. She asked what his user is. At first Anna said wrong so her friend asked if there was anything else after cause one of her friends was someone called that. Anna check again, and it was the user her friend thought it was. He had asked her the same thing, but her friend didn't have discord because of some problems. But the friend had seen him asking every girl in the server, and there was one girl who had discord and added him. Anna and her friend started to talk about Ben and what he had done.

Then Anna decided to send a mail about Ben to Roblox and warn them about him. That they should ban him. She never got an answer from roblox but she never saw Ben again. Now Anna was happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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