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You hold her in your arms, you lay close to her with your face buried in her neck. You whisper, 'I wasn't expecting that from you.' the baroness raises an eyebrow, 'Why is that?' you kiss her neck, 'I didn't think you'd be into such adventurous activities, my lady.' She laughs and tries to move closer to you even though that's basically not possible. 'I love you.' you whisper in her ear, you play with her hair admiring her beauty. The baroness closes her eyes resting for a moment, 'I don't want to work, I just want to be with you.' you smile, she doesn't care about a single person but you. It's giving you some feeling that warms your heart, you're the only thing that matters to her and you're glad about that. 'I could let them know you're taking a day off for 'business'?' you offer. She sighs, 'maybe.. but I can't keep doing that they might get suspicious and start to question.' she turns to look at you 'all of this'

Your smile fades, 'you don't want them to know?' She tries to find the right words, 'I, uh. It's just...complicated. I don't want to be judged... I can already picture the newspapers already darling.'

'The Baroness and her new possession'
'The baroness von hellman a lesbian?'
'Y/n house of fashion with the baroness'
'More than a fashion duo'
'Y/n must get paid to be with that narcissistic hag'

'And so on and so forth.' the baroness closes her eyes and sighs, 'They'll do everything to bring me down.' you give her kisses on her cheek, 'So what, it's not our problem what they think!' 'I don't really know yet y/n, perhaps with time?'
You think for a moment, 'I'll take you to dinner tonight how does that sound?'

'I'd love that y/n'

She .gives you a kiss and gets up. 'Oh, I forgot the fact that I am still naked after our encounter last night.' You roll onto your stomach looking up at her. 'Oh, but I certainly don't mind.' you smirk. The baroness heads into the ensuite, 'I'm going to shower, and I feel you staring at my arse.' you turn slightly pink, 'I- I mean, don't blame me everyone would, have you seen yourself?' You get out of bed yawning, you walk over to the bathroom peeking in. You see her trying to wash her back since you're such a generous person you would not mind helping at all. 'Sweetheart, can I help you with that?' She doesn't even look at you and yells over her shoulder. 'No I'm fine, just get ready!' your smile fades, "ruining the mood much?" you thought. You don't care, you walk in and you get in the shower with her.

'Y/n what did I tell you!' You look at her, 'I heard, I know.' she purses her lips, 'Well.. if you are here either way then you may help me out I suppose.' she hands the sponge with a lovely smelling soap to you. You gently rub it on her back 'Like this my lady?' you ask politely. 'Mhmm that's fine.' she closes her eyes and you wash her body admiring her like you always do. You wash her back, stomach, and her breasts and she seems to like it. 'Mhmm.. the baron never ever did this, no one ever.' She whispers. You get closer to her and whisper in her ear. 'I'm here for you, always.' you take her waist and you turn her to look at you, you kiss her hungrily and press her body against the glass. You go through her hair as you kiss her. You hear her moan slightly. She breaks the kiss.

'Darling you know I love you but we don't have time for this now.. work is waiting dear.' you roll your eyes, 'Fine, can I at least wash your hair?' You take some shampoo and wash her hair, you massage her scalp and the baroness lets out a moan, 'Jesus victoria you can make everything so sexual.' she shrugs not seeming to mind that she has this ability, it's your problem. 'So what, continue.' you rinse off the shampoo and put some conditioner in her hair. You turn off the shower and grab the towel. You're patting down her body to dry her with a soft white towel. When you dry some particular areas of her body she lets out a soft moan. You look up at her, 'Still convinced that you don't have time?' you challenge. 'Uh huh.' you give her a bored look, wondering why she's gone cold. 'Fine' you sigh and get your own towel drying yourself.

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