Fan-Made Trailer

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You arrived on the island

What for you arrived?

You heard about a monster

This monster kills anyone she sees

Yes, she


And she's a train

This was fully new information for you

A train, alive, and a female to that

Your task is to kill Charlie

But it won't be easy, to do so

You'll meet as friendly people, who'll be giving you their own tasks and for completing these tasks you'll be getting a reward

So do not so friendly people

These not so friendly people are known as Charlie's cult

And they are protecting the eggs, that can, as is believed, help with killing Charlie

... Will you be able to survive?

Or will you join those, who died, while trying to survive against her?

Coming Soon...

Choo Choo Charles (Genderswap) - Fan-Made Trailer Where stories live. Discover now