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the room was dim, candles lit and lavender incense burning; the colored fairy lights strung across the bed frame emitted a soft red glow and illuminated the room, giving off a warm and comforting aura. will was lying on his back, spread out on the navy blue fleece bed sheets. his eyes were sealed shut and his kiss swollen bottom lip was currently caught between mike's teeth, who was hovering above him, his knees on either side of will's hips and will's hands tangled in mike's hair. his eyes blinked open and a sigh escaped his lips as mike pulled away, desperate and already aching for more. will already knew he wouldn't get it, mike was the self-proclaimed king of teasing and would tease him for what felt like hours on end before he actually gave into will's pleas.

will pondered whether or not to say something, knowing it wouldn't get him anywhere and knowing it would only urge mike to continue the tantalizing torture. he decided to be stubborn, making mike work really hard to get a sound out of him, he wouldn't let him have it easy this time. at least that's what he thought he would do, but it was becoming increasingly more difficult as mike kissed his neck and nibbled on the sweet spot behind his ear, making will shiver. mike lowered his hips down onto wills, pressing their crotches together. he smiled against will's neck when he gasped, outsmarting will's all-too-obvious attempt to be unresponsive. will gripped mike's shoulders and furrowed his eyebrows,

"please, michael," he quietly whined. mike bit down harder on will's neck, causing him to jump.

"please, what?" mike taunted, voice gravelly and breath hot against will's neck. will let out a shaky sigh, placing his hands on either side of mike's face, pulling him closer and attaching their lips. they kissed sloppily at first, but they slowly found a steadier rhythm as their lips moved together, pulling away every few moments to catch their breath. mike kissed will hungrily, his tongue moving with will's now. he trailed his fingers down will's clothed torso, his hand finding its way in between will's legs. he palmed will through his sweatpants, pulling their faces apart and looking down into will's eyes with a nonchalant yet penetrating stare that will swore would kill him one of these days.

"hm?" mike hummed, cocking an eyebrow and fighting off a smirk. will softly groaned as he felt himself getting hard under mike's touch. waiting for an answer, mike stopped moving his hand, placing it on will's upper thigh. will grunted out of frustration, not knowing whether to be angry or aroused.

"please, daddy. . ." will barely whispered, closing his eyes. mike smiled again, going back to rubbing will through his pants. will let out the smallest whimper, bucking his hips up into mike's hand ever so slightly.

"does that feel good?" mike teased, a shit-eating grin plastered to his face, taking pride in how easy it was for him to get will worked up. as much as will hated to fuel mike's ego, it was undeniably true. will was practically putty in his hands, mike had an effect on him that he couldn't even begin to explain. mike began to slide his hands up will's abdomen under his sweater, pushing the soft cotton material up to his collar bones, leaving his pale midsection on display. he gently feathered his long fingers across will's ribs, tracing the hills and valleys of the faint protruding bones. he gazed down at the work of art that was will's body, as if inspecting every mole, freckle, and faded scar that lied upon it. a chill was sent down will's spine when mike lowered his head, his breath barely ghosting over will's nipple before taking it into his mouth. mike let his teeth scrape across the sensitive bud, relishing in will's hushed moan, absolutely music to his ears.

"let's get this off of you, yeah?" mike said, prompting will to lean up a bit as he pulled his sweater the rest of the way off. will softly fell back onto the mattress after mike slipped his sweater over his head, his hair bouncing and falling, spreading out against the pillow beneath him. mike stared at will for a moment, appearing to be deep in thought when will cleared his throat with a small giggle to snap him out of it. mike broke character, his dominant demeanor fading for a mere second when he chuckled and rolled his eyes. he threw his leg over will, finding his balance as he rose from the bed. will was confused for a moment when mike walked out of the room, but decided against saying anything as he knew mike was probably just grabbing some lube or something of that sort. once mike was out of sight, he secretly reached his hand into his pants and stroked himself a few times, with no intent of telling mike he did so.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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