Chapter 1

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For being as young as you are, you seem to have a lot of promise. At least that was what Laswell said. When Price introduced the idea of making of Task Force 141 her only request was that you'd be apart of it. You were an American in the U.S Army who rose through the ranks fast. You were currently sitting in a Corporal position. The look on Price's face when he saw your face was well. Priceless.

"This is a fetus. You can't expect me to baby sit." Price spats

"That is Corporal Y/L/N and she does not need babysitting. She is very promising and well trained." Laswell says a matter o' factly.

"How long she been in?" Price asks.

"Less then three years and definitely less then the actual time it takes to get into this position." The captains face continues to morph into different expressions of shock.


"She is not joining, she is practically a civilian." Price grunts.

"She either joins you or this task force will not be assembled." Laswell snaps.

Price is silent for a moment before he sighs. "Fine..."

So that is why you are hear now. You are currently on your third mission with Task Force 141. You seem to be getting along great with everyone. Some a little less then other. You haven't been able to actively be on the field just yet. They prefer if you got some more training. So as of right now you are at the RZ/camp as a get away driver for when shit hits the fan and it is safe to say that shit has hit the fan according to what you are hearing over comms.

"Corporal how copy?" You hear Ghost over the sound of gunfire.

"I copy what do you need? Everyone alright?" Your tone is a worried one.

Suddenly Soap comes through the comms "We are pinned down over here and got separated from Gaz. Gaz how copy?"

"I am across the street. You guys are in my sight, but if I move from my position I will be spotted." Gaz says in a whispered tone.

"What can I do to help?" You ask in a serious tone.

"Nothin' Corporal. Stay in your position." Your Lieutenant says sternly.

"Ghost I ca-" "It's Lieutenant and you are staying where you are." Ghost says cutting you off.

You groan internally and lean against one of the vehicles. There are two of them in line with one another, because everyone likes their space. Suddenly your head perks up. You listen over comms only to hear that the gunfire has stopped.

"Lieutenant how copy?" You whisper through the radio propped on your shoulder.

"They've gone quiet, I'm assumin' they are looking for us... Still unable to move from our position..." Ghost says and you pause.

"Any injured?" You ask and their was a grunt from Soap.

"Don't worry about that lass we'll be fine." You hear Soap say.

You go over to the drivers side of one of the vehicles before getting in. You take in a deep breath.

"Misdi I hear something on your end what are you doing?" You hear Gaz say.

You smirk at your code name. Gaz is the only one who really knows the backstory of your name.

"I am doing what I do best Gaz." "Wha-" "I gotta plan!"

"Corporal you will stay where you are! That is an order!" You hear Ghost snap at you through the comms.

You turn the car on before getting out again and moving toward a tactical tub that holds remote control explosive. You get back into the drivers seat and sigh. As you are doing this you can hear both Soap and Ghost calling you through the comms to get your attention.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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