Vacrunhc nam

140 1 3


the vacrunch man was startin to get mad, he hadent had any cheeps in the past 0.02 miliseconds so he angrily went and talked to the guard.

"hey! I need some cheeps!" said the vacrunch, the guard said nothing, and started violently hoppping around and spinning "Oh lol, I forgor u are a xbox player"

*Insert witty critisism about xbox players*

Then da vacrunch man decided to talk to a poigon

"do u have some cheeps?" asked the vacrunch

"######### ##### ## ## # ##" replied the poigon "### ### ##" he said again "# ## # # # # # # #" it replied again "h" it said "e" it said again "l" it said another time "l" it said another time "o" it sai-

oh wait he's gone

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