Joseph and Mary. The two new lover birds wear  flirting with each other.
   Mary was not really in love with Joseph as he was much older then Mary and Mary was instead In love with Joseph's younger brother Gabriel. So as Mary and Gabriel wear getting down in there secret location, Mary was having the most feeling of love that she had never felt for Joseph her "lover." Mary said to Gabriel " I love you Gabriel and only you but I'm sorry we can't be together and start the family we have always dreamed of together," Gabriel told Mary " it's not your fault my love you love me and only me I know that," they finished there fun time.
   Mary returned home to Joseph acting as if she had just finished her "daily stroll around the town" Joseph only cares for women who can please his needs. Which Mary didn't do. But she was pretty and had a very high chance of delivering a baby successfully."Mary how was your stroll around the town?" Joseph asked suspiciously, Mary calmly replied " it was great thank you how has the building of the house been, you know we can't do anything you want until we have moved in together."
   A few months later Mary has noticed that she hadn't had her period. She was absolutely shocked. She instantly headed to Gabriel knowing he was the only one Mary had slept with. "Gabriel" Mary shouted in shocked, She told him to go somewhere private as she needed to talk to him in complete privacy. "You have gotten me pregnant and I don't know what I am to tell Joseph without being accused of being a horrible partner, he thinks I haven't slept with anyone how do I explain this without being suspicious!" Gabriel just stood there in pure silence not believing what he has just been told him a soon to be father, he just couldn't believe it knowing the baby will be calling his immature brother father. An unforgettable crime that there was no way of fixing regret filled the air surrounding them.knowing his baby is going to grow in the awful hands of his brother who was the most immature person that he knew in the whole of the village.
   They made a plan together on how to tell Joseph that Mary was pregnant, it was the best idea Gabriel had ever had. Blaming the whole pregnancy on god after all he was the reason she was pregnant. So that's is what they did they blamed it all on god something they new Joseph would believe in. The plan was now in action Mary had to convince Joseph.

To convince Joseph, Mary had to now talk to have a great talk with Joseph.
    "Joseph"Mary shouted! "I need to tell you something, and you must believe no matter how unbelievable this may sound." Joseph replied in a neutral tone " ok Mary what have you done this time." Mary began with " Ok so basically this angle called Gabriel came down to me and told me I was to have a baby for god, and I must name him Jesus there for I must carry the baby and you can't be mad at me." Joseph looked at Mary his face blank. Wondering how this could have happened and why would Mary be the chosen one. Why Mary after all she was so young only 16 and having a baby that isn't even my own. He snarled back at Mary " is this true is , are you really pregnant if so who actually is the father." Mary pretended to get upset " don't you believe your soon to be wife Joseph, do you really think I would be so consistent about not having sex if I was just going to go of and cheat on you for no reason , you haven't done anything So you don't deserve to be cheated on." Joseph began to feel guilty and quickly apologised to Mary who now felt really guilty but was happy she could still se Gabriel
    Weeks later Mary went back to Gabriel with Joseph to pretend to spread the news that they are having a baby, which Gabriel new was actually his own child that his brother was just caring for. He felt bad that he was causing his brothers soon to be wife to cheat. Mary went round telling her family and the rest of Joseph's that they wear pregnant and needed to get married as soon as possible so that they are not disobeying the word of the lord. The family was totally understanding about the situation and agreed that it was ok that they had sex before marriage as long as they now get married as soon as they possibly can.
    Months later Mary was about to pop open so they began there final few weeks travelling to the place that Mary was going to birth to. A few moths before this Mary's sister announced that she was pregnant for the 7th time with someone other than her husband little did Mary know that Joseph had actually cheated on Mary with her sister and they wear having a baby.

This was not going to be the last time Margret Marie's sister was going to be having a baby with Joseph so that she could afford food and water for her other few babies. She gets the money in bulk at the end of two years.
    Mary had now arrived at the town that she is going to give birth to Jesus in she knocks on the first door the man opens the door and says " I'm so so sorry we have no room in our inn for anyone else"
They move onto the next door and knock the second man opens the door and says " Sorry we are fully booked, and you don't really look like you can afford my inn." Mary and Joseph just decided to move on and not cause any drama. The third man opened the door and said " I don't have any room in my inn but I have a barn use could have the baby in if you really wish." Mary and Joseph both thanked the man and left straight for the barn so Mary could deliver her baby.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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