Chapter 5- Lurking In the Shadows

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As soon as Alexa came down for breakfast, the owls started to flood the Great Hall with mail

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As soon as Alexa came down for breakfast, the owls started to flood the Great Hall with mail. She quickly sat down at the Slytherin table to dig into the food and to see if her parents sent her anything. They usually wrote to her, but a while now they haven't written to her or to James which is quite upsetting. A familiar owl came in, flying to her. It is the most beautiful owl she'd seen. Her parents got the owl when she was just a baby and they named him Blue. They had a Barred Owl which was a large gray-brown and white owl that had a round head with gorgeous brown eyes and small yellow beak. Her owl held a letter which made her so excited to see what her parents wrote her. The owl came swooping down to drop the letter in her lap. She quickly opened the letter and recognized the handwriting. It was her Mom's.

Dear Alexa, My Lovely Daughter,

Your Father and I have missed you deeply. I'm sorry that I haven't been writing to you, there has been a lot going on with work and other things. I hope school is going well. How have your classes been? Are you still causing mayhem at that school with the boys? You know I was afraid that you would be hanging out with them and getting into trouble and I was right. I guess it was bound to happen soon enough. I just hope that they haven't corrupted you yet, you are still my little girl. Remember that your Father and I are very proud of you and we want you to enjoy your years at Hogwarts, but don't cause that much trouble.

Love, Your Mother

Alexa silently laughed at her Mother's letter. Her Mother always knew how to make her laugh even if she was writing her a letter. Regulus slowly looked over to his left to see Alexa with a biggest smile on her face. Before, he said anything he wanted to look at and admire her for a little while. She's looking beautiful this morning, Regulus thought. While Regulus kept his eye on her, she felt eyes on her so she looked to see Regulus looking at her. As soon as she looked at him, Regulus thought his face was going to turn into a red tomato which would have been embarrassing for him, but he kept his cool and remained calm with a still face. Alexa gave him a smile before speaking.

"What? Is they're something on my face?" Alexa asked quickly, rubbing her face, wanting to get anything that was on her face, off. Regulus let out a laugh as he watched her wipe her face off.

"No. There is nothing on your face." Regulus said through a chuckle. She drops her hands onto her lap as her face reddens in embarrassment, but a small smile replaces her face as she thought it was funny as well.

"Then, why were you staring at me?" Alexa asked out of curiosity. His mind began to think of an answer to her question quickly so she wouldn't get suspicious as to why he was looking at her, but then he remembered something.

"Oh, I was just wondering why you were smiling so much while you were reading the letter." Regulus answered in a calm manner. She nods her head, smiling.

"My mom wrote me a letter and she just made me laugh. It was good to hear from her." Alexa said honestly. He understood her, sometimes when he was little he did wish he got a letter from his Mom or Dad, but he quickly let that slip from his mind considering he doesn't have the most caring parents. Regulus loves how the littlest things can make her happy and how she lives in a care free world. He wishes he could be like that, but he cares a lot to lose the things he loves.

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