Chapter 1-Navy

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"Navy Thatcher" I told the desk receptionist. She nodded, her lips pressed into a firm line. He turned her chair and typed something into her computer.

"Go right ahead sweetheart." She told me, as she did every visit. It was routine, and these were the only things we said to each other. I smiled, and pushed through the large, white doors. Multiple beds lined the wall, each one occupied by a different child. I made my way to the last bed in the row, where Navy was rested. She was seventeen, and had been suffering from leukemia since she was fourteen. She wore a headscarf and sat upright in her bed, deep in conversation with Ash and Bleu. My mother (being the artist she was) thought it would be creative to name all her kids after her favorite colors. There was Navy, Amber, Bleu, Ash, and me-Sage. We were each a year apart, starting with Navy and ending with Ash. I was the second born, and always in charge of the others, since our parents were always in the hospital with Navy.

"Hey Navy." I said, with a forced smile. She grinned, and motioned for me to come converse with her. I walked up to her bed, and noticed that her pale hand was placed upon Ash's. I took my gaze from their hands to his face, where his eyes were red and puffy. He had obviously been crying, but I kept my mouth shut. He was only thirteen, and was somewhat of a wreck about the hospital situation. He loved all of us, but he had a special bond with Navy. Her illness was heartbreaking for me, but not nearly as bad as it was for Ash. He would always get upset in the hospital, concerned that every time he spoke to Navy would be his last.

"Hi Sage!" She beamed. "How was your day?" Navy was the kind of person who radiated her optimism. Her smile and laugh was contagious, and she never let the situation get the best of her.

I shrugged. "OK I guess. Just school and theater." I was president of the drama club, and this year we were putting together Romeo And Juliet. As president, I was able to assign roles. I hadn't cast the role of Romeo or Juliet, because nobody lived up to my expectations.

Navy smiled at me before bringing her gaze back to Ash. They resumed their conversation-probably about some sporting event that nobody would remember in a year. My eyes scanned the familiar room, taking in each unique feature. The walls were painted a sunshine yellow, with colorful drawings hung all around. Only one bed was left unoccupied, and the rest held children as young as five, and as old as eighteen. Almost everyone was with family, smiling and laughing as if they weren't confined in the hospital. The only bed that didn't have anyone near it was in the center of the room. The boy who occupied it look to be about my age. He was tan, with defined features. His wispy brown hair seemed to lay perfectly on his head. His nose was buried into a thin book. I had never seen him before, and I wondered who the mysterious boy was.

Practically reading my thoughts, Navy said, "Thats Max. He's not here often, but when he is, he mostly keeps to himself. I nodded, slightly embarrassed that she caught me staring at him. I looked back, and immediately wished I hadn't when our eyes met each other. I spun back to Navy in seconds. He coughed loudly, obviously trying to get me to turn back around. Reluctantly, I obliged. He waved me over, a tiny smirk on his face.

"C'mon Sage. We gotta go." Bleu called out as I began my short walk to the bed. I shrugged to Max, and he shooed me away. I laughed as I made my way to the hospital exit, turning one last time to see the boy I was unable to meet.

He winked as I walked away, and I couldn't stop smiling the entire ride home.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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