Part 2: Finding Out

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The Gaang spent the entire day together. Throughout the morning they drank Uncle Iroh's amazing tea at the Jasmine Dragon, exchanging new stories and reminiscing over old ones. Toph explained how each member of Team Avatar earned a nickname from her, which was met with a surge of arguments attacking her from every side. Not that it changed anything, of course. It was concluded that Aang is Twinkletoes, Sokka would always be Snoozles, Katara would be Sweetness, and Zuko - Sparky. Toph did admit, though, that her nicknames progressively got less creative.

In the afternoon they got on a train to the outer circle and walked around the zoo Aang had carved out years ago during their first trip to Ba Sing Se. They visited the part of the wall where Azula's drill almost made it into the city, and even contemplated going out to Lake Laogai. Instead, just as the evening started to creep up, they decided to gather on a little hill overlooking the city. Katara and Suki laid out a blanket while Toph bent a seesaw for Bumi and Sokka. As twilight neared, Aang returned with some food, and Uncle Iroh and Zuko brought some more tea.

Leaning against the trunk of the only tree on the hill, Uncle Iroh breathed in the smell of clean, chilly air, taking in every giggle, every light touch, and every hug exchanged so thoughtlessly, yet purposefully throughout the tight-knit group of friends before him.

"I am so glad to see you all here." Said Uncle Iroh, one hand holding baby Bumi and the other a cup of tea. "It has been too long since we've all been together." The group had organized themselves into a circle, Uncle Iroh residing at the top with Zuko and Toph on either side of him. Aang, with Katara on his arm, sat next to Zuko, while Suki and Sokka sat beside Toph.

"As I look around this circle, I see a group of friends who have suffered great hardship together." Aang looked over at Zuko, only to be met with a small smile and a wink. "More than that, I see a group of friends who accept each other at even their darkest times, and choose, again and again, to stand by each other, no matter what." Aang glanced down at Katara and planted a kiss on her forehead. "What I see is a family. And I thank you for welcoming me into it." Everyone looked up at one another, a wave of familiarity and calm washing over them with each meaningful look and wayward smile. "There is no one else I would rather spend my last days in this world with."

At that, everybody fell silent.

"Uncle, what are you talking about?" Zuko asked, alarmed.

Putting his cup down, Uncle Iroh reached over and grabbed his nephew's hand. "I have lived a long, full life. I traveled the world, had the pleasure of meeting the most incredible people," his eyes made his way around the circle as he uttered those words, "and most importantly, I even tried the best tea a guy could ask for!" He chortled at that, laughing at his own joke while those who loved him most tried to muster a brave smile for the man that had become like an uncle to them all.

"Iroh," said Toph, in the softest voice any of them had ever heard her use. "What are you saying?" Uncle Iroh reached out and wiped a tear from her cheek. He held her hand in his as he readied himself to face his family. "I am old," he sighed. "The last few years of the war took everything out of me. I spend my days yearning for more time with you, and mourning the time I haven't been able to spend with Lu Ten." The group looked at their friend with sad, understanding eyes. He often spoke of his son, even though he had such limited time with him.

"I have decided to enter the Spirit World." And there it was. A heavy silence overcame the group. Nothing but the whistling of leaves from the vine could be heard. Zuko looked at the man who was like a father to him. The very man who stood by him through the hardest times in his life, never gave up on him, and loved him unconditionally. His heart contracted, and his eyes welled up with tears. But before he could say anything, he felt a hand rest on his shoulder.

"When?" Asked Aang, speaking for Zuko when he couldn't get the words out himself.

"I leave tonight."

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