- Introduction to SMP Daycare!

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(Before all else, I want to say this isn't going to have any of that cringe UwU baby speak- At least not intentionally, and while I'm here please don't be weird, the characters are very young children. Btw Techno is one of the kids so if you don't want to read about him, that's fine but this is your warning. Same for A6d because some people don't like him fsr. Now, enjoy!) 

Welcome to SMP Daycare, a special daycare for children whose parents leave them alone frequently. This place is run by the Minecraft couple, Philza and Kirsten, or Mumza and Dadza, as they tell the kids to call them. 

I know you came here to meet all the little ones and hear about their shenanigans, so let's introduce all the ones that actually do get up to stuff! Feel free to skip any you don't want to read, especially since there's a LOT!

Dream - Dream is a 5 year old boy who spends most of his time laughing and causing trouble with his friends. He has a little smiley-face mask he rarely ever takes off, and you'll probably see him offering flowers to George, another boy at this daycare, because he fancies him and isn't shy about admitting it! Overall he's a very sweet kid, but he occasionally gets caught messing around with the younger children. 

George - George, or Gogy, is a little older than Dream at 6 years old. He spends most of his time at daycare napping, and trying to ward off Dream's constant affection, despite liking it. He's known for being unproblematic and shy, usually preferring to watch chaos rather than participate in causing it, although he does join in sometimes, especially when it's his friends. He always wears a pair of round white sunglasses. They look cute on him, although they're too big.

Sapnap - Unlike his two best friends above, Sapnap is one of the many non-human children who attend the daycare. He's an infernal, or fire demon, who's a bit of a handful because he can't control his powers very well yet, and actually takes joy in arson. He's 5 years old like Dream, and wears a panda onesie with a white headband tied around the top of his head. In spite of the fire problem, he's a sweet kid.

Quackity - Quackity, or Little Q, is another non-human child, although nobody is quite sure what he is. He appears human except that he has golden wings, which he can somewhat fly with. He'll probably get better at it as he ages, since he's only 5 now. Like Wilbur, he wears a beanie that's too big for him and constantly has to push it up. Quackity loves causing chaos and is often right there with his friends when they're doing it.

Karl Jacobs - Karl is a very sweet 6 year old who only gets involved in his friends' chaos because he wants to spend time with them as much as he can. He's most often seen hugging Quackity and Sapnap, and he probably likes them. Pet him, trust me, his hair is the fluffiest little mess you'll ever feel. Just be gentle.

Wilbur - Seven-and-a-half-year-old Wilbur Minecraft is actually one of Phil and Kirsten's own 4 children, all of whom go to their parents' daycare. Wilbur is almost always seen carrying around his baby brother, Tommy, or just playing with him, which makes his parents' jobs a little easier since he helps look after him. He really loves his little brother, and he also loves music, so you'll probably hear him sing a lot. Wilbur also has wings like his dad, who's a crow hybrid.

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