Chapter 26: Nightmares and what if's...

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Zoe's POV:

I was put in the wheelchair and rolled down the exit to the hell i had spent 4 weeks. I looked around at the hospital. People coughing, people with all sorts of medication hanging out of there arms. I rubbed my arm remembering the pain of when the drips were being slipped into my arm. "Hey.. You okay Zo?" Tom said kneeling in front of the wheelchair his beautiful blue eyes on me. I shuck my head to say 'nothing'. Tom rubbed his arm, sighed and turned back around. I felt tears prick up in my eyes but pulled them back so I didn't cry again in front of them. We reached the exit and i was soon rolled out of it. The sun hit my face and the chirping birds quickly whistled in my ears. The wind swept across my face and the sound of cars came to me. Trott came and stud in front of me. "You ready?" I nodded. Trott held my hand and I was rolled through the car park. To a car. Trotts car. I frantically shuck my head from side to side. I could not go in a car. I need to know the date but I'm 95 percent sure it's today. I gripped onto my seat and i was not letting go. "Zo, Zo calm down..." No.No. Not Zo Zo. I put my hands on the wheels of the wheelchair. I hurt but I didn't care. I rolled down the street. I could hear everyone shouting my name and some running after me. I was gonna lose them. I just need some time alone. I rolled for about 10 minutes and no one was behind me. I was lost but when we were coming out of the hospital Tom put his phone on my lap so he could roll the wheelchair.  I still have feelings for him. But I know my dreams won't become a reality.  I had rolled down to a river that had a canopy of trees over it. I rolled near a bench and parked near there. I sighed and looked at the miss calls. Chris:9

Kaeyi: 9

Ross: 7

Smith: 8

Martyn: 11

I then looked at the text messages

Martyn: ZOE!  WERE ARE YOU! WE ARE ALL WORRIED ABOUT YOU! The rest of the text were the same. I sighed and looked into the river.

Ten Minutets Later:

I all of a sudden heard 'ZOE!' I quickly slipped Tom's phone into my pocket, took the breaks off of my wheelchair and quickly rolled off.

I reached Trott's house. It was about 15:30 and Tom's phone was on 64%. I sighed and rolled over ot the door. I slowly knocked. "I'll get it!" I heard Lewis shout. "Hel- Oh my god Zoe!" Lewis whispered. He hugged me and patted my back. "You need to get in side!" I nod and Lewis helps me in with the wheelchair. When I could see everyone they were ether sat with there knees pulled up to there chest or were crying. Lewis told me to be quite and walked in. "W-Who was it?" Trott said with a frown. "Oh just you know a random girl with a beanie on , In a wheelchair..." Lewis sighed. "Wait you just described-" "Zoe?" Lewis said rolling me into the front room. Everyone jumped out of there seat and came and hugged me.

After everyone had told me never to do that again and they really do love me, we all parted. "Hey Zoe you want to see your new room!" Trott asked in anticipation. I smiled and nodded. "It's upstairs so I don't know how we will do this!" Ross laughed. Tom walked over to me and pulled me out of my wheelchair. "Oh my god!" Duncan laughed and so did the others. I never realised how strong Tom is! Tom carried me up the stairs and the others followed. I looked behind me to see Smith carrying my wheelchair. Why do I need that stupid thing! I sighed and turned around. "Smith... Un fold the wheelchair so Zo can roll around in her new room" Tom said and smiled at me. His smile is adorable. I would trade my smile for that one any day of the week. I was carefully placed back in my seat and I looked around the landing. I have been to the 'Hat House' before but never upstairs! I looked at the doors and tried to figure out which one mine was. I couldn't guess but I was soon told. "Your room is the at the far end of the corridor. I know it's not ideal but I wanted to give you the best room in the house. We all hope you like it!" Trott said in a worried tone. I rolled down to the door and looked at Smith. "Go on!" He laughed. I swung the door open and looked around. The wallpaper on the back was a black swirled paten with behind it a slightly brighter black. Like a grey. Then the other walls were a pale white like a cream colour. The bed was a wooden frame and had a white duvet on with hats all over it and so did the pillow. I had a matching wooden table near the window with my laptop and my other gadgets. It was amazing. "You like it?" Tom questioned. I replied with a nod and gave him a tight hug. Everyone let out a slight chuckle. "Uh guys can I have 5 minutes to talk to Zoe please?" Ross asked looking at me with a concerned look. I give him a questioned look back and sat on my bed. I don't know why everyone doesn't want to get rid of me. I'm really and adult now. I'm scared but there's a point were I will have to go. Everyone left and Ross sat next to me. "Zoe I know something is up come on tell me." How much did he know? I don't wan to tell him. He will tell everyone. I don't want anyone knowing. "nothing" I whisper. He sighs and goes towards the door. Ross was about to go but turned around and gave a slight smile. "I'm always here if you don't want to talk to your brother about something. So is Smith." I reply with a nod and he leaves. I go onto my laptop and look at the date. 27 January. It was to day. Suddenly, Images from the crash flash in my head. My parents screaming. The blood. The loud noises.

When I got back to reality. I grabbed my bottle of water. I tried to control my breathing.. Everything is going so fast. I stayed still and tried to compose my self. I heard my laptop go off. Toby had messaged me through Skype.

SoTotallyToby: Hey Zoe! How are you? sorry I couldn't be there at Radderss house. We can Skype if you want! Tubs <3

I laughed slightly and replied.

ZoeTrott:3=: Hiya Toby! It doesn't bother me that you can't make it! Don't worry! Um I can Skype you tomorrow!

I replied to him and went on YouTube. I need to do a video tomorrow. The only thing that's been going out on my channel is Hatz. Me and Hat Films filmed a bunch before Christmas. Before I became an unstable wreck. Hat Films were happy to put the series on my channel. The fans have no clue. I have a look at my sub count. Wow. 500,224. That's a lot of people. I spent about 3 hours on my laptop in which everyone had gone home. I sighed and looked at the time. 6:47. I closed my laptop and changed into my pjs. I need an early night. I brought the duvet to my chin and went to sleep.    Dream....

I woke up in the back of a car. My parents car. "All this rush hour traffic. It's silly!" My dad groaned. My mum sighed and looked at my 5 year old self. "So Zo Zo what are you exited to see at the farm?" My mum smiled. "The cows!" I say excitedly. My mum and dad laughed and my mum turned back around. "SAM THE CAR!" My mum screamed. A white BMW sped around the corner colliding with are car, screams erupted from all directions. "MUMMY! DADDY!" I screamed oblivious to the fact that the impact from the BMW had killed my parents. I had a sight cut on my head and my neck had whip lash. The air bag and come out on my seat but not on my parents seat. I began to cry as I heard the sirens sound at the top of the street. I was cut out the car by a fire man and was sat in an ambulance. "Where is my mummy and daddy?" I asked the paramedic. He sighed. "They have gone sweet heart. Up in the sky. They have died.." I began to violently sob as the paramedic hugged me. "MUMMY! DADDY!" I sobbed. That's the age I found out about death.5.

I woke up in a hot sweat. Its 12:45 am. I tried to calm my breathing down and sighed. "NIGHT ROSS!" I heard Smith shout. I sat up slowly on my bed and looked at the blank wall. This happens every year. Why has it hit me worse this time? I put my head in my hands and then heard a "Zoe...." I looked up to see Miss Web with her snarling grin. "I told you not to talk....WHY DID YOU IGNORE ME? WHY!" She snapped. I sunk into the bed in fear. "NEVER TALK AGAIN! DO YOU HEAR ME OR I WILL BE MORE THAN A FIGURE OF YOUR IMAGINATION!" She suddenly faded  away. I started to cry into my hands. The tears spilled over my cheeks. I never wanted to see her again but she was always going to be here in my imagination. I rolled towards my door with my dressing gown on. I slipped my hand into the pocket and rolled to the bathroom. I locked the door and turned on the tap. I splashed the icy cold water on my face and looked around the room. I tuned the tap off and looked in the medicine cupboard about the sink. Bingo. Trott's razors. I picked up the box of razors. I took the sharpest one and dragged it across my for-arm. I continued to until I had 6 cuts on each arm. One single tear fell down my cheek. I rolled to the cupboard and grabbed the bandages and pulled them around my sliced arm. I sighed and rolled out of the bathroom. I tried to get out and back to my room with no one knowing. But I bumped into Trott. "Hey you okay?" He whispered. I replied with a nod. He gave me a hug and kissed me on the head. "If you ever need to tell me anything I am always here for you." Trott whispered again. He smiled and walked in to the bathroom. Shit. I hope I left no blood. I rolled back to my bedroom and some how got into bed. Then I had a thought. What if I just ended it? Killed my self. No one would care and they could go back to there normal lives. They wouldn't have to mess about with me. I'm, gonna think more about that tomorrow.

Hi. Um the non update thing. Yeah. I just have got this feeling that you all don't really like my story. So sorry if this update is shitty it's because...well... I'm scared about what you guys think about my story.

bye :/=

Song: TBB For The Windows In Paradise.

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