CHAPTRE 6: 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑖

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Mogiyang: I never thought in my entire life I won’t be able to choose whom to marry. I didn’t have the right to choose, hell, I didn’t have any rights at all in the house anymore. My opinions and feelings didn’t matter to anyone.In fact, my stepmom now views me as a tool to gain more money, to create an alliance with the company of lees’ or MOs’-the two most powerful companies-by marrying me off to one of their sons.
   “For a girl like you, the company’s interest comes first’ ’stepmom said.’’ Your desires for something comes after.
’’Yes, right. It could for other girls but not for me. If a boy got married for alliance and didn’t like his wife, he could just marry another. Usually most of them had several side chicks and mistresses, but for a girl like me the story was different. There’s nothing I can do, then to please my husband and watch as he marries another woman and get mistresses when he gets bored with her. I have been telling myself all these while step mom just wants the best for me and the company but I guess I was wrong. But at the same time if marrying me off would help the company of my parents and my step family I have no choice. I have been tricked for three good months such a waste. I felt my blood boil, but now was not the time to get angry.Leaving all the bad thoughts behind me, I studied myself in the mirror. My makeup artists had spent hours preparing me, making me look more beautiful than I was. I was wearing a white and golden dress, and my brown hair was combed back beautifully with golden hairpins in the shapes of flowers. The makeup was perfect; the only problem were jewelries. They were beautiful but too flashy, heavy and too much for my liking. When my stepmom found out I didn’t want to wear it she scolded and forced them to make me wear it, and now that I was wearing a lot of them. I was already feeling weak because of nervousness, or fear? I didn’t know, but I was feeling sick. There was a knot in my stomach that refused to go away no matter how hard I tried to calm down.
‘miss mogiyang, don’t you like the dress? Asked one of the makeup artist.Hequihang my friend of course has been with me all through my dilemma even if she or anyone couldn’t do anything to save me from my forced marriage she has been taking good care of me since dad was dead and even before his death. She was the only one I could talk to. I would miss her once i’m married.
‘‘even if I didn’t do I have a choice? But since this one is nice I love it. It’s beautiful. I said trying to smile to reassure them especially hequihang but failed. She could see the fear on my face. She dismissed all the makeup artist before saying.
‘‘Everything will be alright,’’ she told me’ ‘Don’t listen to the rumors online, they’re nothing but just that. Maybe your husband is a nice man.’’ She tried to sound positive, but I could hear the doubt in her voice. Not that I believed the rumors, but they did affect me. I wasn’t scared because people said he was the devil. They were probably referring to his personality, that maybe he was a liar, a tempter, a murder, or a manipulator or that he was just pure evil, and that’s what scares me. Not that I haven’t experience wickedness from my stepmom but I was scared it would be worse than hers. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, and shortly after my stepmom came in.
Quihetang: its time I informed her. And told hequihang to come with me.Mogiyang: I descended the stairs, carefully not to fall or stumble, but it was hard with the long dress and heavy jewelry. I was relieved when there were only a few steps left, but just then I stepped on my dress and stumbled forward, almost falling before a strong arm came around my waist and saved me from ruining myself on my wedding day. Straightening myself, I looked up to see who it was, the person who saved me. looking up, my eyes met a pair of golden eyes. No, wait! Not golden, they had the color of flames or the lava from a volcano ever seen eyes like that before.
Leehin: ‘‘are you alright, miss? I asked with a frown
Mogiyang: if I had knots in my stomach before, now suddenly I had butterflies just staring at his eyes. Who was this man? I had never seen him before. He was tall, broad- shouldered and his thick raven black hair fell over his shoulders down to his back. You could tell he was rich. Could he be one of the rich ceo who came to attend my wedding?‘‘yes, yes…I am…I am… fine, sir,’’ I replied. He elegantly turned around and left.
Hequihang: that’s one good looking man.
Mogiyang: yes, I thought to myself. Very good-looking, but I was getting married and didn’t have the luxury to look at other men. Yes, I didn’t know how the ceo looks like in fact no one does as he never shows his face only few people did and their experience with him wasn’t the best. And it was said a press company published a picture of him and that media house was shut down. I still wonder how mom managed to arrange marriage between him and i. shall we? I asked, but hequihang was too occupied to hear what I said. She kept following him with her gaze until he was out of sight. I snapped my finger in front of her face to wake her up.
Hequihang: yes, yes, yang. let’s go I hurried to say.
Mogiyang: the ceremony would begin with a greeting exchange between the bride and the groom and their families. I was motioned to enter. Hequihang gave me a reassuring smile before I left them behind to walk inside. Now I was all on my own. Taking a deep breath, I strode into the hall carefully, and immediately all heads turned to look at me. I walked with my head high but kept my gaze low, only looking at the floor until I reached the table where step mom was sitting with jiminy next to her. While standing in front of her, I felt my legs tremble. Jiminy smirked wickedly at me while mom just gestured for me to sit down at the table nearby. She was unbothered by the fact that she was marrying me off to a rumored ceo to be a devil. Ignoring them, I went to my seat. I could feel everyone stared at me with pity and others with repulsion as if it was my fault I was getting married to. They should blame my step mom not me.After a while, the groom’s presence was informed and everyone turned their attention from me to the door. The room was quite as the guests waited for the groom to enter. I, on the other hand, looked down quickly and rubbed my hands together nervously as I felt the knots in my stomach return. I wanted to look up, but I was afraid. Wat if I didn’t like wat I saw? Wat if the rumors were true? Would he have red eyes and long nails and maybe even a goat horns on his head or a tail? Don’t be ridiculous, I told myself and decided to take a look. Slowly, I glanced at the door as my heart hammered inside my chest and almost gasped when the groom entered. The man was from earlier with the golden eyes. He couldn’t be the groom could he? The guests stared at him surprised as well and began to whisper hysterically into each other’s ears. They must have been expecting someone with a pot belly, fat with red eyes to enter the room and not some tall, elegant looking man. Not the least bit bothered by the whispers or stares, he walked gracefully towards us with confidence.
Leehin: Quihetang
Mogiyang: I dropped my jaw. So did some guest. Who greets their mother in-law by her name without any form of respect? This man was truly fearless and being disrespectful towards step mom. I already got a bad feeling about him. Not because I thought she deserved any kind of respect, but because he was so daring with his actions already. He must have noticed people’s reactions; it was so obvious, but he didn’t seem to care. My step mom on the other hand, didn’t react. She just gestured weirdly towards me. As I saw him turn to me I looked down quickly, then heard the clicking sound of his footsteps as he neared before sitting on the other end of the table, facing me. He didn’t utter a word. Wasn’t he supposed to greet me? I could recall when I fought and cried the day that my step mom told me she was marrying me off to some stranger, but my step mom was wicked and had already made up her mind.
Quihetang: today you all are gathered to celebrate mogiyang wedding to the ceo of lees’ company. I told everyone standing. And raised a toast on their names, let the ceremony begin, enjoy yourselves.
Mogiyang: people clapped and the DJ began playing music and people danced to it. don’t you like the music? He asked, breaking the awkward silence. I peeked through my long lashes, but once I gazed into his eyes, it was hard to look away. They were captivating. I do I replied expecting him to propose but he didn’t. we received lots of gifts and exchanged ours. I thought we would start leaving together after maybe a week or a month but to my dismay I was to follow him home that same day. The knots in my stomach returned with such intensity that I felt like throwing up.
Hequihang: everything would be fine just remember wat I told you I said to her
Mogiyang: yes, I remembered very clearly to be a good wife, to listen to my husband and try not make him angry like I make you. I won’t forget I said, enveloping her in a tight hug. I might never see her again as I don’t know what type of a husband he was. The Mercedes-Benzes c-class tainted car was waiting already outside. The ceo or should I say my husband led the way. I looked behind me one last time and found hequihang standing close to the door, her cheeks wet tears.
’’ I will miss you too’’ I whispered.

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