Let's be brothers Theseus.

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Theseus's POV

Narration tone ''

'Life with Orpheus once he arrived has been. . . tiresome. If he wasn't pestering the Dream Team, he was pestering me, which was unwanted and annoying. His words hung in the air for to long, and his emotions switched to fast. His questions of where I originate from hold me down like a weight, too much for me to bear, and I was too uninterested to answer.'

"Theseus, how old are you? You look around 11, maybe 12." He studied me as we walked back to my hut in the ground. He never left me alone, and it was starting to mess with me.

"I'm 16 dick head, now fuck off. You're not allowed in my house." I snapped at him as I walked ahead of him. All the things I've said to him have been lies, and really could you blame me? He was creepy as fuck!

'I walked into my house and slammed the door, dragging myself into my nest and getting comfortable. Today was long, tiresome, and all around too much for me so a well needed rest is what I had planned to take. Key word planned. As soon as I started to drift there's a knock on my door which jolts me up in a hazy state. My annoyed grumbles come out in a slur as I go to the door.'

"Dream, what's up boss man? Looking kind of pissy." I study his stance; his hand was on his hip and the other resting on his sword end.

"Wilbur has been pestering me about you, asking question that you don't want to answer. Why don't you just tell him who you are and move on? Shit couldn't have been that bad with him. Fuck he talks so fondly of you as 'Tommy', maybe you were just being over dramatic?" He tossed his hands around to show emphasis in his words which was just annoying. I could only stare at the man I had grown close to, my image of him crumbling.'

"Get the fuck off my property Dream."

"Wait Thes - Theseus I didn't mean to say it like that I just mean-" Dream stuttered out, but I cut him off just as quick as he started.

"Get the fuck AWAY FROM ME! I went through shit! I was slapped, thrown, starved, and more! You can't fuckin tell me I'm over dramatic when I know what happened to me. Stay the fuck away from me."

'I slammed the door in his face and flopped into my nest, tears pricking my eyes as I hugged my body in a desperate hope to feel better. My life was turning sideways, all because of HIM.'

//So sorry this took so long, and sorry it's so short. I'm not a writer so I forget about this often, I'll try to keep up on updates, but this was half written for months, and I let it sit so Ima post it at 440 words and cry//

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