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I fell asleep for a few hours but was awoke by a sound. I sat up tierdly and saw a silhouette slip out the door. I knew I had to follow. I crept of of bed and followed the shadow. It was dark outside but the stars lit some the grassy path ahead of me. I looked around and spotted the shadow sitting on a grassy hill. I approached the shadow who turned to look at me with a started exspression. "Ray?!" I sat down next to him. "Hey Norman. Why you are up? It's late, you should be asleep." Norman laughed but I could tell it was forced. "You sound like mom."

"I'm serious Norman, what's wrong?" Norman frowned and turned away. "You can tell me I promise I won't make fun of you or tell anyone." He sighed and lowered his head.

"It's nothing like that.....I'm just over think is all....."


Norman turned to look at me with his crystal, dark blue eyes. Whom were usally polished and clear now casted with a luminous shadow.

"Were growing up. Soon we'll have to leave this place, won't we? I'm just worried we won't always be this happy..... I'm scared that we'll all grow up and leave each other. Emma is already talking about all the adventures she'll have in the big city's..... I just wish we could stay here forever."

I was stuned. Mostly, because Norman hinds his feelings much like me. I hadn't expected him to tell the truth. I was also surprised because I had secretly been thinking the same thing.

"Norman..... Growing up doesn't mean we're going to forget about each other. We'll always have each other, no matter what! Bad things happen, but that doesn't mean can't be happy to. It's just something we'll have to live threw."

For a minute Norman looked like he might cry. But he instead started to laugh loudly. "Who knew you could be so poetic and sensitive?"

"Sensitive?! Your the one crying about growing up. And be quite or you'll wake up mom!"

"Oh? I'll just tell her you dragged me out here."

"You wouldn't dare!"

"You sure about that?"

I crossed my arms over my chest and stood up. "It's cold I'm going in."

"No wait!" Norman pulled my arm and I feel next to him. "Norman! You didn't have to push me."

"Sorry, I just don't want to be alone." I sighed at Norman sad exspression. "Well then come back inside." Norman shook his head,"I like it out here. Isn't the sky pretty? Look at all the stars!"

"Yes, the sky look nice Norman. But I'm tired so I'm leaveing." But Norman held my hand stopping me. "Please stay Ray."

I couldn't say no to Norman. Not when he was finally relying on someone other than himself. Not when he's finally be honest about his feelings.

"Fine. But only for a little while. Then we're both going back inside, okay." Norman smiled wide,"Got it. And if you tried you can sleep right here. I'll wake you when it's time to leave." I rolled by eyes,"No just forget it. You already woke me up, don't think I'll be going back to sleep anytime soon."

Norman looked guilty and started fiddling with his hands, a nervous habit of his. "Sorry Ray, my bad." I punched his shoulder lightly, "I was just joking." A few moments passed by in silence as we looked yo twards the stary night sky. The air blew a gentle breeze between us and the nigh seemed ever so quiet. It was all so peaceful.



"This may seem weird.....but can I kiss you?"

I was shocked, to say the least.

Norman kissing me?! Was he mental or crazy or something? It was a crazy request......

Yet I didn't want to say no. Mostly becuase Norman looked like he was actually considering it. I know Norman dosen't make jokes like this.

But he can't be serious..... right?

Norman looked nervous now which was rare for him. He also looked more sad which made my heart ace.

"You want to kiss me.....?" I asked to make sure I heard him right. He nodded slowly. "We don't have to at all! I just....."

"Sure I guess.... I mean let's not make a big deal out of it, you know?" Norman was hesitant despite this being his request. "Right..... I'll do it real quick promise!"

Norman lened forward and placed both delicate, cold hands on the side of my face.  He quickly brought his warm, rose-like, lips to mine before I could process anything.

I blinked a few times woundering were the kiss had gone. "You didn't have to do it that quickly you dumby!"

Norman looked surprised,"No?" He looked upset and a bit worried.

"That's not how you kiss someone! If I had know your terrible kisser then I would haven't let you kiss me."

He was quiet for a long while, I was to. Norman figited with the hem of his sweater. Overthinking like he usally dose. I sighed as turned twards him. "Look, I'll kiss you now then we'll decide whose better." Norman, again, looked surprised but noded after a minute. I placed my cold, brittle hands on his face and before I time to actually think about what I'm doing, I kissed him. The kiss was longer then the time he kiss me. And it didn't feel rushed or hesitant. A kiss should feel blissful and natural. When we parted, Norman was all red and smiley, and I have to admit I am to. We suddenly begain laughing like little kids, who are in fact way passed there bed time. Huddled together I'm cold, all giggles after a warm kiss, much like coco on a winters day.

"I believe your a much better kisser, tittle gose to you Ray!" I smiled genuinely,"Well duh genius, and here I thought you were the smartest." Norman kisses my cheek and then my nose leaveing me a strawberry mess. "I'm still the smartest Ray, but your a good kisser, I'll give you that."

Thanks for reading this fanfic! I may make another one latter, but this one is finished. Please vote, follow, and comment!🤍🖤

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