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The boys made their way towards the crowd and they watched as Liam yelled loudly at the three dudes in front of him. "I'm not helping him" Adrian said making harry shake his head. Before anyone could throw a punch, two of the football coaches ran over breaking it up. "I would've love to see the fight!" Adrian laughed a bit. As they were standing there Zoe walked over and she looked at harry giving him a smile

"Hi Harry!" Zoe said making harry, Sierra, and Adrian all stare at her. The smile on her face faded and she walked away quickly when he didn't respond to her. Adrian let out a small laugh and he ran off making his way towards Zayn. "Zoe told us you guy's slept together.." Sierra said quietly. "Yeah well she's a liar" harry replied instantly. "What happened between you two? I could've sworn she said something about loving you!" Sierra asked curiously. "She's crazy. I barely gave her the time of day yet somehow she was obsessed with me" harry said making Sierra laugh.

As the two of them stood there talking Liam walked over to them messing with his hair. "Matt and his friends want to jump me because I kissed his girlfriend" Liam said sounding upset. "I think you need to get beat up!" Harry said which caused Liam to roll his eyes. "Im going to go talk to the cheerleaders!" Sierra said excitedly before running off. "She's so hot!" Liam sighed. "Shut up" Harry replied causing Liam to flick him off.

"Hey so no hard feelings about what happened this morning? It was a really dumb argument!" Liam laughed as he stuck out his hand. "It wasn't dumb to me!" Harry mumbled as he walked off completely ignoring Liam's attempt to resolve the argument between them.

"I'm gonna try out for the cheer team!" Sierra yelled as she walked over to the boys. "Why? You can't dance!" Liam laughed. "and how would you know?" Sierra asked Liam as she crossed her arms. "She can dance actually, she was in gymnastics and dance class!" Adrian said causing Sierra to smile. "All of them were so nice to me!" Sierra said with a big smile plastered on her face. "Where is Harry?" She asked as she stared around the gym . "I seen him walk out the gym a few minutes ago" Niall replied as he pointed across the gym. "he went that way" Niall added on

After talking to the boys for a bit, Sierra made her way out the gym. She walked down the hallway checking in class after class until she finally found harry sitting in the auditorium. "Hello" Sierra said causing him to look over. "Why're in such a good mood?" Harry asked very curiously. "The cheerleaders were nice and I'm trying out for the team Tuesday!" Sierra smiled which made harry clap his hands together. "Well then congrats in advance!" Harry said causing Sierra to let out a small laugh

"Why're you out here?" Sierra asked as she sat down next to him. "It's way too loud in there for me.." harry replied

"Haz" Sierra said causing him to look over at her. "Yes Bunny?" He replied quietly. "Thank you for defending me. I never said it, but I appreciate it so so much." Sierra said as he messed with his fingers. "I'll always defend you" he replied causing her to smile widely.

They sat there in comfortable silence for a few minutes, not really knowing what to say. Sierra continued to fiddle with Harry's fingers until he turned around to face her once again. The two of them stared at each other and harry leaned in kissing her. As the two of them were kissing, Sierra climbed over onto his lap. "Seriously styles?" A very familiar voice said interrupting the two of them. Harry moved his hands off her waist and Sierra stood up fixing her crop top. "You know I liked her!" Liam said sounding like he was about to cry

"We're supposed to be friends" Liam yelled. "Liam can we not do this right now? Why're you down here in the first place?" Harry sighed. "I came to check up on you but instead I walk in on you two. How could you do this to me?!" He screamed. "You and Sierra were never going to happen anyways!" Harry said throwing his hands up in the air. "That doesn't mean you turn around and do this to me. You're my best friend and I've told you for years how much I've liked her" Liam sighed. "Whatever you say mate" Harry responded quietly

"I should beat your ass!" Liam yelled. "You can try!" Harry yelled back. The boys began yelling at each other and Sierra tried to break them up. "Guys stop it!" Sierra yelled as she stood in between them. Liam pushed her out of the way and he swung but missed. The boys began fighting and Sierra ran out the auditorium making her way down the hall. "Liam and harry are fighting Adrian" Sierra yelled down the hall when she noticed the boys standing by the lockers. "What? Where are they at?" Louis said as he ran over towards her. "The auditorium" Sierra said causing all the boys to instantly ran that way

After minutes of trying to break up the fight, the boys were finally able to pull harry off Liam. "H, bro clam down!" Adrian said as he held onto him tightly with the help of Zayn. "Fuck him" harry yelled. Louis and Niall helped grab Liam up off the floor as he cried. "Get him to the bathroom and find out where he's bleeding from. If you have to run down and grab coach" Adrian said

When the boys got Liam down to the bathroom they finally let go of Harry. "What the fuck happened between you two?" Adrian asked. "He pushed Sierra and then he tried to hit me" Harry said staring at his rings. "Harry I'm fine he barely pushed me!" Sierra added on but Zayn shook his head. "It's okay. Liam's fine, it was gonna happen sooner or later!" Zayn said. Before Sierra could say anything Adrian pulled her out to the hallway. "Harry can't help how he reacts. Because of his situation at home he tends to act impulsively without thinking sometimes. He saw Liam push you and it probably triggered him. He's working on it Sierra." Adrian said with frown on his face. As the two of them stood there Niall walked out from the bathroom sighing. "Just a bloody nose, we're good!" Niall said giving Adrian a thumbs up.

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