Fine Lie

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Hi! Another Fanfic, based off of something that happened at school the other day. Hope ya like it!


It was the usual, we bashed the bots, Eggman says 'I can't believe this!', and Sonic laughs at him and calls him Baldy Mc Nose Hair. Sometimes I get hurt, so Sonic goes all crazy saying things like 'are you okay????!!!', or 'oh Chaos! Did you break a bone?', and I usually am fine. Perfectly, exquisitely, fine.

Totally not lying.

No fine lies.


"Hey buddy! Ol' Baldy Nosehair is back at it again!" Sonic shouted to his reliable sidekick, Tails. "Again? Seriously?" Tails replied, looking up at the door leading into his workshop, set in the Mystic Ruins. That's where Sonic stood, shrugging. "Yeah, never gives us a break. But, it'll take maybe five minutes to just get there, then just bash the big bot. Then, bang! Job done in 10 minutes tops." Sonic replied, giving his signature thumbs up and wink. "You make it sound easy," Tails replied, shaking his head in a disapproving manner. Sonic always rushed into things, but there was nothing Tails could do then just go with the flow.

As soon as the duo arrived, Crabmeats already began to circle them. "Man, the guy can never think up something new!" Sonic yelled, spin-dashing into the hard metal. "Couldn't agree more," Tails said in agreement. As they continued to run, at the speed of sound, duh, everything came and went in a blur. It was always difficult for Tails to see where he was going, but he always tried his best. Everything was going smooth, until...

Three days ago
Tails sat at his workshop, clicking a keyboard. It was three in the morning, but there are many more important things to do. Like, decode the super annoying signal so they could figure out what Egghead was up to! Tails yawned, almost falling asleep, until he immediately jolted back up again. No time to sleep, he had to decode this signal! He looked back up at the dull computer screen, lines of number, letters, and many things lined the screen. Tails had to squint his eyes to see properly, everything was starting to get blurry again. Tails suspected it was from the lack of sleep. He had been up.. how long again? Oh right, approximately 3 days in a row. No biggie, he's survived a week. Everything ran smoothly, until Sonic opened the door. Here comes another 30 minute long lecture about not staying up late...

Something flashed. Something white. Tails tried screaming, nothing came out of his mouth. Everything then went black. 5 seconds later and he's up again, dazed. "Bud! Ya good?" Sonic asked, shaking Tails. "I-I'm fine. Just hit a bot with my head, I should be fine." Tails replied, with a fake smile. His head hurt, Sonic was extremely blurry too... you know what, he was fine. It should be good. Nothing bad could've possibly happened. No way.


What a fine lie.


The rest of the fight was filled with easy bots, and it took about 5 minutes to get back home afterwards. Tails' head hurt, a lot. But he had to push away his needs for others, because Sonic would worry, and Tails would waste Sonic's time. Totally. He was fine. Fine. Later in the day, Sonic had noticed Tails' voice becoming more slurred then usual. Shrugging it off, more worryingly things occurred. Such as, the causality of Tails groaning and holding his head, and the way Tails limped when he walked. Moreover, the fact Tails seemed to look like he couldn't see where in Mobius he was going!

Trudging forward, continuing the day was all Tails could do for now. He groaned, as he held his head in pain. The small nuisance turned into a headache which turned into a very, very, VERY annoying migraine! He couldn't possibly tell Sonic about this. No way. He'd think he's weak! Sonic The Hedgehog is NEVER weak, so Tails shouldn't be weak either. Period. That was until he felt a queasy feeling emit in his stomach. And then he let the thought of telling Sonic live rent free in his head for a second, before immediately turning it out. He could deal with it. That was until that queasy, nauseating feeling continued up his throat, and into his mouth.

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