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The drive to the hospital was loud and fun, unlike usual.
But Kobayashi, Shoko, and Gengoro were tense. Ueki could tell, but he figured it was a fight from earlier.
" stomach hurts.." Ueki mumbled, to which Kobayashi chuckled. "I know, buddy, I know. But that's why we're going here! This shot is gonna help you."
Ueki looked down, and said quietly, "I don't like shots..."
Gengoro's heart hurt. It felt as if it was being squeezed and torn. "it's ok. This is your last shot, Kosuke." Gengoro spoke as if he was talking to a scared animal.
"Really? Does this mean they found how to fix me?"
Kobayashi piped up, knowing that if he didn't, Gengoro would say the wrong thing.
"Yeah! They found out just how to do it."
"We wouldn't know. But it'll fix you, alright."
Shoko was curled up a bit in her seat, her hand over her mouth.
"Shoko? Are you-" Ueki began, but was quickly cut off by his father.
"She's ok. She's fine."
"And, we're here. Come on bud, the sooner we get inside, the sooner your shot is done."
Kobayashi picked up Ueki and held him like a baby.
Ueki looked close to crying.
"Hey, you're a toughie! You can handle a shot!"
"...will you hold my hand?"
"Of course, bud."
Gengoro and Shoko walked behind Ueki and Kobayashi.
Kobayashi had spent years watching everyone die, so he had gotten better at covering up his sadness and fear. But this was worse. This was a clueless child, who thought everything would turn out ok.

They walked inside, and when Kobayashi went to the front desk and explained their name and appointment, the nurse got a sad, knowing look.
"...of course. You came right on time."
She smiled at Ueki.
"Hello, are you excited?"
"Not really, I don't like shots..."
"It'll be ok. You won't be hurting anymore.

Ueki is young. He's 7 years old. And they're lying to him, and ripping his life away, allowing him to think he was going to live.
He wasn't.
And it was tearing at Gengoro, because Gengoro knew, he KNEW, but he didn't want Ueki to be afraid. So he smiled and pretended everything was fine.

The shot was over fairly quick, and when it was done, Kobayashi, Gengoro, and Shoko got to sit by him.
"I wish Mori was here."
"She wanted to come, I-"
Kobayashi breathed deeply.
"I promise she wanted to come."
Gengoro put a hand on Ueki's head, and softly pet him.
"How are you feeling?" He spoke gently, with a kind smile.
"Sleepy. Can we get ice cream after this?"
'there won't BE an 'after this', Kosuke, and I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for leading you on and lying to you. You're a good kid and I'm so sorry. I'm your father. I should have protected you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. You mean the world to me and I can't lose you-'
"Of course," Gengoro's smile remained
"And, Ueki?"
"...I love you. I love you so much, and I hope you never, for even a second, doubt that."
"No, I never do."
Ueki smiled.
He looked exhausted.
God, that shot sure did work fast, didn't it?
"You promise, baby?"
Ueki started playing with his fingers.
Shoko softly sobbed.
"Shoko? What's wrong?"
"N-Nothing, I'm just-" she took a moment to steady herself, and forced a smile.
"I'm scared of shots."
"You too!?"
Ueki sat up, and it hurt his stomach.
He groaned, so Kobayashi helped him lay back down.
"Yeah, me too. When did your fear of shots begin, Ueki?"
"When mom-"
"I'M HERE!!"
A high pitched voice entered the room, and Ueki's expression brightened, and he very loudly exclaimed,
His voice....
Just for that one moment....

All of their hearts broke collectively.
This kind boy, who was full of nothing but love, who was not very bright but made up for it with that heart of his that could heal anything-

Mori hugged Ueki tightly.
"How was the shot? Are you.."
She knew what was going to happen.
"Are you feeling ok?"
"Yeah, just a bit sleepy."
"That's ok. Maybe you should just sleep-"
Kobayashi's voice came out louder than intended.
"I mean... I want to talk a bit more.
"Why does it all have to be now? Why not after?"
Kobayashi's face was heating and his eyes were burning.
"because you- there's so much I want to say! And I'm- I'm sure they want to talk to you too! Mori just got here!"
"But I talk to her all the time!"
Kobayashi sighed.
This argument was pointless.
"I know. I'm just a bit extra wordy today. Sleep if you need it."
Ueki closed his eyes, and Gengoro eyed the ECG. the lines were going slower and slower, until Ueki mumbled softly,
" head hurts..."

Then it went flat.

Kobayashi had nothing to fake for.
Gengoro had nothing to fake for.
Shoko had nothing to fake for.
Mori has nothing to fake for.

Ueki is dead.

Kobayashi said gently, ever so quietly, "..I didn't hold his hand..." And then he choked out a sob. He had his head in his hands, and he couldn't stop crying.

Mori just covered her face, and sat there.
Ueki was the only child who didn't insult her, didn't shame her, and now he...

Gengoro had his hands in his hair, and he was staring at the ECG, as if the longer he stared, the more likely it'd start up again, and he'd have his baby back.

Shoko just started sobbing on Mori. Her little brother just died in front of her, and she sat there and lied to him.

After five minutes, the nurse came in and said, "the shot should have worked by... Oh."

Kobayashi looked up.

"Yeah. It worked."

No one else moved.

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok- you did what you - you did what you could, thank you, I- I'm sorry, but thank you!"
Gengoro sobbed out his words, and didn't tear his eyes away from the green line on the screen.

They got to stay by Ueki for an hour, before they left.

Of course Ueki would get a funeral. They'd give him anything.

They dropped Mori off at home, and on the drive, Kobayashi said to Shoko, " you want something to eat?"
He didn't look away from the road as he drove.
"No. It's ok. Thank you."
They were silent the rest of the way.
And it hurt.
That silence hurt so badly, but none of them could find a voice.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2023 ⏰

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