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This is sorta just a fluffy lil' story, requested by none, to fill the void while I push out kinktober oneshots. I might add more characters later on, but this is just something simple for right now. I wonder how obvious it is that I didn't have ideas for some of them. 🤭👍


  Out in public, he doesn't really do too much PDA. Sure, there's the occasional kiss or hug, maybe some hand holding, but nothing too crazy. Once the both of you are alone, however, you can't keep him off of you. When he isn't training or busy with something else, he's with you. The both of you are best friends, so it's only normal that you both would be attached at the hip.


  Yujiro doesn't like admitting that he really likes it when you give him affection. He enjoys PDA, the typical and not-so type. Sure, he'd smack your ass a few times/taps on the butt, but he also likes having you in his lap/on his shoulders. He doesn't care too much about his "reputation", since it's not like anyone can do anything about it. He's The Ogre, nobody would dare. If they did, well we know how that would play out.


  Jack is very affectionate with you. He loves you so much and he doesn't care who knows. If you want the world to know, he'll let them know. When you're alone, he loves cuddling with you. He loves the feeling of you up against him and the warmth of your bodies, both with and without NSFW intent. He loves you and doesn't want it to be a secret.


  He's in the Yakuza, so there needs to be moments where you can't be affectionate. It's not that he doesn't want to be affectionate, it's just that there needs to be that level of professionalism because of his status. When the both of you are in private, Kaoru gets very affectionate to make up for lost time. He doesn't get too many opportunities to be loving with you, so he takes as many opportunities as he can get. He isn't overbearing by any means, but all he wants to do after a long day is relax with you.

  While he works, Hanayama enjoys it when you sit in his lap, or at least has you close.


  He isn't too big on PDA. There is the occasional hand-holding or other sign of affection, but he doesn't get too affectionate in public. Retsu is a Kaioh, so he does need that boundary in public, so he uses other means to let you know that he loves you while out in the public eye. When it's just the both of you, he'd be much more willing to be affectionate.


  Katsumi gets super affectionate because he gets jealous. He'd apologize afterwards if you don't like PDA, but he will kiss you and make it really clear to the guys at the Shin Shin Kai that you're his s/o. After a while, people stop flirting with you, at least while Katsumi is around. New members make that mistake, so Katsumi does this a lot.


  Sikorsky likes it when you're affectionate with him, though he's certain everyone knows the both of you are together, so they don't try anything. He's definitely an ads kinda guy, so he'd always be trying to smack your ass, jokingly or not.


  He'd have his arm around your waist or around your shoulder every time the two of you are together. He's rather mellow, so he doesn't care who knows. He isn't gonna be shouting it to the rooftops, but he isn't trying to keep it a secret.


  This man loves your touch. He can't say no to you. Ever. So, if you're clingy, he'll let you cling to him as long as you want. If you want to have professionalism and keep the PDA to a minimum, he's fine with that, too. As long as you're happy, he's happy.

  As far as jealousy goes, Oliver surprisingly doesn't get jealous all too often. The only time he ever got jealous was when Baki slept in your bed during the Guevara fight. Everyone in the prison and outside of it knows that the both of you are a pair, so they don't try flirting with either of you. Oliver is by your side all of the time, whether he's beside you or he's holding you.


  Pickle never really was affectionate with anyone before, so you'd need to teach him. Once you do, he becomes clingy and territorial over you. When others are around, he stays by your side, looming over whomever is nearby as a way to size them up. He absolutely loves your touch and the way you talk to him, so he tends to be accidentally too rough with you. He once hugged you so tightly that you got the wind knocked out of you. He didn't mean to, obviously, but he's never really had to be gentle before this point.

  While Pickle was residing in the arena, you would come and visit him, unbeknownst to everyone. During this time, he was stressed because of his whole situation, though he soon found comfort in you. After he fully trusted you, he allowed you to touch him. It started simple enough with being allowed to touch his hand, then he would perk up follow your voice if he heard it, like a pet hearing its owner come home. If he had to leave your side, he'd become stressed out again.

  Needless to say, Pickle is a little clingy. Either way, since you're always beside Pickle, nobody dares to do anything.

Ali Jr.

  Ali loves you. A lot. And he wants you to know it. He doesn't mean to be clingy, but he has clingy tendencies. He would want nothing more than to shower you with kisses every day and smother you with affection, but he doesn't want to be too overbearing. If you don't like PDA, he will try his absolute best to tone it down. Jr just loves you and wants everyone to know, in case someone tries to take you from him.


  Kureha is a professional, so he needs to keep PDA to a minimum. If you're there to visit him while it's a calmer day, then he'd give you a greeting and departing hug and kiss, but that's really it. He might let you sit on his lap if you're lucky, but that's really rare. One time, you were allowed to sit in his lap while he examined Baki's brain after his fight with Pickle. At home, he's much more relaxed and willing to show affection. His work is stressful, so he enjoys unwinding with you.

  Even though he's extremely tired when he gets home, he tries to at least be a little affectionate before he goes to bed.


  He'd have his arm draped around you at all times. Jun would also pay the guards so that he'd get alone time with you, which means that this could go two ways; you both have some kind of sex, or you don't and just relax together.


  He doesn't care who knows, so he'd be as affectionate as he wants. Like Doyle, he isn't really making it a huge deal, but he isn't making any effort to hide it. If you don't like PDA, that's fine by him. He's not really the type to be super mushy in public. But if you are, then he'd be pretty fine with that.

I haven't finished Baki, so Idk of Gaia is out of character or not. I'm basing my assumptions off of the Sikorsky fight, since that's only when I've seen him, though I know he comes back somehow.


Also, stan Malice Mizer. <3

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