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*2 months later*

I am now 4 months pregnant, and showing. August has been showing up to every single doctors appointment, almost fully furnished my spare room, and frequently checks up on me, but he still mad at me. I can tell. We havent had one conversation that wasnt about this baby since the argument we had about me moving. It kind of makes me sad...

Getting home from work, my feet and back were killing me and I realy needed to shower.

I took a long one, too consumed in my thoughts and my baby bump to focus on how long I had been in there. I sighed. Am I really considering moving to California with his baby?
He's done so much for me. Bought all the baby clothes, the crib, the stroller, the toys, the bottles, the car seat, hell, even pampers. Only thing that hasn't been bought yet is the food.

Not to mention he hasn't said one word about me staying. Well, he hasn't said one word about me leaving, but still. I was grateful and worried at the same time.

I got out, wrapping a towel over me and walking to my room. Drying off, I applied Georgia Peach lotion all over my body before putting on a comfortable maxi dress. My belly bump was definitely noticeable.

Knock, knock, knock.

I sighed, walking to my front door and looking through the peep hole and seeing Chris. I opened the door immediately.

"Hey!" I beamed, pulling him in for a hug.

"Hey, mookie." He smiled, hugging me back. "I brought you some." He pulled a bag of Panda Express from behind his back and I nearly melted.

"Oh my god I love you so much!" I gushed as he walked in and put the bag on the counter.

"Aug is on his way up." He said, his back still turned. My smile dropped.

"Really." I cleared my throat, looking down. I don't know how I felt about this. I knew he was still mad at me.

"Yeah, said he wanted to see you when I told you I was bringing you some food." He shrugged, finally turning around.

"Didn't think to call me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. He looked up as my door creaked, and I knew he was standing there.

I sighed and turned around, looking at him. God. He was so handsome.

I gave him a small smile. I really wanted to hug him, or say something non baby related. He was always like a robot when I talked to him. Always straight to the point and I hated that.

"Hey, Aug." I said, tempted to walk towards him and hug him. Ugh!

"Hey." He smiled at me, and I mean really smiled, as he closed the door. I felt butterflies as I saw him walk towards me and hug me. I hugged him back and tried to not make it noticeable I was going crazy inside.

"You smell good." He said in my ear.

"Thank you." I said in a small voice, smiling like a idiot.

"You welcome." He said, pulling back and looking at me. I knew my cheeks were red as hell. He didn't say anything about it, though. He just looked at me. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, but that look he gave me would definitely stick in my head for a while.

"AWWW look at Mook blushin'." Chris said, ruining the entire moment. I wish I had something to throw at him right now.

"Chris. Shut the hell up." I glared at him, rolling my eyes. August still hadn't let me go yet, but I didn't mind. I wasn't in a rush for this to end.

When my eyes returned to Aug his eyes were roaming my body, but it stopped at my stomach. He looked at it like he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Like he did when he first saw me...

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