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I can feel it come near
The cold tentacles of Death
And I shiver
As he whispers in my ear

Willingly, I listen carefully
Intrigued by this promise
To escape, to be finally free
A way out of this darkness

Death comes closer
His voice soothing and tempting
Maybe I should take this blessing

I reach out and grab his hand
Too late I see his evil grin
Realizing this will be a painful end
Freezing me from within

He says with an evil hiss
And I just smile I will let him drag me to hell
Because it can't be worse than this..

Beth hesitated on the window sill, oil in one hand. If they find her, she would have oil in her hand and they would think that she had slipped.
She looked around her. Photos of her when she was one, the first time she rode a bicycle, and her family photos.
She tried to think of her happy moments, but none came to her mind.
She tried to think of her low moments and plenty came to her mind. The time she got scolded for scoring an average mark in her last exam, the time she got an earful when she asked her parents if she could hang out with her friends for an evening, the instances her friends blamed her for the dispute between them and the rest.
She thought about it all, and cried it out. But mere tears couldn't end her sufferings. Then she rethought what she was gonna do. The incomplete act.
She had considered writing a suicide note, but she didn't think anyone deserved it. Not even her parents. They would know what killed her and they were the reasons. They will have to live with the guilt.
She didn't think her death would be a loss. She thought it would be a blessing, for those who always complained about her and those who fought with her.
Her heart broke at that and she couldn't take it any longer. There was only one way to end it all, she thought.
That was the eternal blissful sleep. With no one to disturb her and with no one to question her.
She raised one leg and put it next to the other leg and climbed down to the other side. She held onto the ledge for a moment longer than was necessary and let go and fell into the early rays of the sun shining on the streets below.

All Over Again (Incomplete Version)Where stories live. Discover now