Untitled Part 6

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Eda: hey hunter!

Hunter: yes eda? 

Eda: How are we going to share our movie?

Hunter: go to Disney and there should be a share button

Eda: Alright go invite while i set it up

Hunter: kk

*Eda added amity and +6*

Amity: heyyy!

Luz: hi amity hunter and eda!

Eber: ooo this is movie niight

Darius: no duh 

Eber: dont fight with me.

Willow: hi everyone hi hunter :)

Loraine clawthorn: Hi hunter! 

Willow: oh loraine clawthorn yk hunter?

Loraine clawthorn: ofc i know him :)

Willow: oh


Everyone: heyy

Hunter: Ok! I set up  the movie up!

Willow: Wait dont start yet i gotta get some chips

Loraine clawthorn: just start it

Hunter: Ok

Eda: NO loraine stop

Eber: i see drama already

Darius: And i thought we fought a lot.

Amity: you do.

*Hunter changed everyones name to STUPIDA$$*

STUPIDA$$: bro hunter yk i can kick you out too.  Yk.

Hunter: WHo is that?

*STUPIDA$$ has kicked hunter*

STuPIDA$$: omlll just keep it. And make hunter come back


*STUPIDA$$ has invited hunter to the chat*


STUPIDA$$: Thats regular hunter for you.

{-Also they changed their names. And  I cannot add the picture sadly  so ill just put they finsihed sorry!-}

Willow: that was so sad right hunter?

Hunter: uhg yea i guess/

Loraine clawthorn did you actually cry? Imaginne

Willow: I didnt cry first SECOND what tf is your problem?

Eda: oh boy some dramam about to go doowwn

King: im sgo to bed im tired asf 

Eda: kk

Willow: Im going to leave i cant with her

Loraine clawthorn: Finally bro was chatting through the whole movie.

*King and +1 has left the chat*

Loraine clawthorn: Im tired too. Byee

Eda: ima stay here

Hunter: byee loraine!

Amity: bye everyone bye kuz

Luz: Luz*

Eber: darius come to my place now

Daruis: kk

*Everyone left the chat*

Eda: i was hoping they could fight....maybeee

Eda: i could make them fight. HEHEHE



*Eda has left the chat*

King: i gotta warn everyone.

*King left the chat*

Next part eda will make willow think loraine said some sh*T about her. BYEE

Luz not so funny jokes discord chatDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora