" Not Like Them.. " || Levi.

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Time; After the conclusion of the operation to take back Wall Maria.
Y/N's age; 28.
Y/N's POV;

You kneel on the floor behind Levi's desk chair, watching as he rocks miserably back and forth, pinching the bridge of his nose.

" You made the right choice, " you assure him quietly. He spins in his chair and blinks doubtfully at you. " Did I..? "

You nod and stretch your arms toward him. Slowly, he slinks out of his chair and collapses into your arms. You begin to rock back and forth, humming softly to the troubled Captain.

Eventually, he begins to shake. His shoulders jerk up and down. The spot where he buried his face in your chest becomes soaked. He's crying, you realize with a sharp pang of sympathy.

You begin to rub his back, whispering sweet nothings into his ear. " It's okay, Heichou, " you murmur. " Let it out. "

Levi's sobs become quietly audible. He snakes his arms around your waist and holds you tight. I'm gonna have to change after this. But I'm glad he's getting this out.

Affection swells your heart and makes your chest ache. Grief over the fallen Commander clouds your mind, but you push it away for Levi's sake. He needs you, and you need to be there for him.

Eventually, Levi's sobbing subsided, and you realize he's fallen asleep as his breathing deepened. You gently pick him up bridal style and adjust your position. Then you lay down, hiding the Captain's face in your chest.

You twine your legs with his, praying to God he doesn't wake up as you wrap your arms around his sleeping form. To your relief, he stays asleep. You rest your chin against his head and eventually fall asleep beside him.

You awake to a sharp prod in your ribs. Blinking your eyes open, you find a blushing and angry-looking Levi Ackerman. He stares dead at you, and your face heats up.

" What the hell happened? " the Captain demands. A sad feeling hollowing a small hole in your heart, you realize he'd untangled himself from your embrace. You sit up and face him, clearing your throat.

" You were upset about Erwin, so I let you cry on my shoulder, and then you knocked out. " You tell the Captain. He held your gaze for a moment before looking away.

" Thank you, [Y/N], " Levi mumbles. You smile and pull him into another hug. He melts against you, practically weakened by your rare comfort.

" Please don't leave me, [Y/N], " Levi mumbles. His sudden softness shocks you, but you quickly relax and run your fingers through his silky black hair. " Not like them.. " Levi's voice fades into a desperate whimper.

Heart aching with love and sympathy for the shaking, traumatized, broken man you held in your arms, you kiss his head gently. " I'll never leave you, " you promise softly. " Never. I love you, Heichou. "

Levi nuzzles further into your chest, and you tighten your grip on the Captain. " Thank you, [Y/N], " He mumbles. " I love you too. "
hope yall liked this one!
more shall be out soon! lmk what characters you want to see next, and a general idea of what you wanna see :)

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