chapter 3

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August 28th, 2022
Nicole's POV
   I woke up with a headache, the strong smell of bleach, antiseptics and other cleaning products in the air. I opened my eyes and slowly adjusted to the bright light in the unfamiliar or maybe all too familiar room. I was obviously in the hospital.
   I pulled down the oxygen mask on my face and breathed out slowly and I called for a nurse, in about a minute a nurse and the doctor came in, checked my vitals and invited Kirah into the room.
   I chuckled, she looked terrible, she must've stayed up all night with me
    " Excuse me, don't laugh at me! why do you keep drinking coffee knowing you're allergic to it?" She complained with raised eyebrows.
     "I'm sorry, but I didn't mean to startle you-"I tried to apologise before she cut me off.
    "Well it's too late for that don't you think?"  She cuts in.
   "Look I just forgot, okay, I was so excited for our meetup and I didn't know where we should meet so I asked my friends for a nice place to meetup and they mentioned that particular coffee shop, it just didn't cross my mind" I said with a sigh, and little hope that she wouldn't leave me alone in this hospital.
    Thankfully she sighed and said" it's alright, at least now I know and I'll be able to remind you, if you miraculously forget again."
   I smiled slightly at her, although, I really was a bit confused. I don't remember having any coffee. She interrupted my thoughts though.
   " Hey Nicki, I wanted to talk to you about something..." She said in a grim voice. Obviously this wasn't gonna be very nice cause Kirah never got this serious unless something was wrong.
   "What's wrong ?"I asked her
   " I got you a therapist Nicki, I'm really worried, and I've been begging you for awhile to get some help. I don't have to remind you, but I will. You know that you have memory loss problems and you're always doing stuff that will hurt you, yet you blatantly refuse to get help and get better."
   "OMG Kiki, it's just memory loss, and the coffee isn't such a big deal-"she cut me off again...
   " It is a big deal and it's not just the coffee, you act really wierd sometimes, I mean almost as if you're a different person. I'm just saying this is definitely not you."
   I groaned. " Can you name at least one time I wasn't myself?"
   "Ok sure, remember that party we went to a few weeks ago? The one that your friend Robin invited us to. We were all seated and talking and someone made a joke and at first you started laughing and then out of the blue, you stopped abruptly and switched to anger, like you were offended by the joke and you started yelling at this guy. It was like you were two different people with two different opinions on his joke". She answered me.
   I had no reply as to what she just said, because I do remember that party but I remember laughing at the joke, I don't remember having an angry outburst. I looked at her and sighed, thinking to myself and then I said out loud with an exaggerated groan.
   " God, I need therapy".


IN THE EUPHORIA OF HER MINDWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt