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I've spent a lot of time in school with Kai. And I think he likes me. He wants to talk to me all the time. And I try to stay away because I am not ready for something like this.
I know a lot about him. He has a beautiful bond with his family. His family so different from what I have ever experienced. And it all scares me because he is so different from me. He knows so little about my life but i know so much of his. I don't feel comfortable enough to tell him about it all. My past.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I answer the phone. "Want to hang out tonight?" Kai asks. I hesitate. Not knowing what to answer. I like him I really do, I don't know what's stopping me. "Common it'll be fun" he says. Maybe he is what I need right now. "Okey, but this time at Mia's place." I say as he agrees. I hang up the phone and walk home from school. He skips a lot of days. I guess it's because they need him at home.

I open the door and step inside her house. "Mia my friend will be here today just so you know" I say. "Who is this friend?" She asks with a grin on her face. "No it's nothing like that we are friends" I say. "Mhm sure" she says smiling. I roll my eyes as I smile back.
I decide to study before Kai comes here.


"Amelia your friend is here" Mia says and I get out of my room to greet him. I give him a quick hug then make him follow me to the room. He closes the door as he steps inside my room. It's a bit messy but I've had a lot to do. "I like your room" he says looking around. I do like this room too. But it keeps reminding me of how much space I take in Mia's house. I don't want her to get tired of me. That's also why I want to move.

"I'm moving out in a week" I tell him.

"What really, where" he asks scared I will move far away. "Don't worry it's a couple blocks away. I've bought me and my brother a house" I say as we get comfortable on the bed. "You can always stay at my house" he says teasingly. He jokes a lot and it makes me crack up. He's funny.

We talk a lot together. But suddenly Kai puts his hand on mine. I don't move. "I wanted to ask you something" he says nervously. I pull my hand away and make it seem like I had to scratch my arm. "What is it?" I mumble scared of what's coming.

"I really like you Amelia" he confesses.

He does? "You do?" I ask.
"I mean it's pretty obvious don't you think" he says smiling. And yes it has been very obvious that he likes me. I think I've just pushed the thought away. I don't know if I want this. Maybe this is want I need. Maybe I need him to forget Ezra, to get better. "Ever since I saw you I knew you were special" he says making me feel comfortable again. I smile tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. Without saying anything more I lean in slowly. Our faces so close. I stop inches before our lips touch. Hesitating. This is what I need.

I press my lips onto his. The kiss is slow. I try to focus but my mind slips to Ezra. As I kiss Kai I can only see Ezra. And it makes me want him. I take off his shirt tossing it on the floor. He does the same to mine. I then get on top of him. He's touching my waist and hips as we keep kissing. I'm afraid that if I open my eyes I will see Ezra's face so I keep them closed.

Kai breaks the kiss. "Do you want this?" He asks. I nod as our lips meet again.


I lay on Kai's chest. He's sleeping as I can only think. I like Kai but I don't know if I could ever love him. And I don't want him to get hurt in the end. Maybe I made a mistake. I shouldn't have slept with him. God I don't want to hurt him. He is so good to me, he's sweet and makes me laugh. This is a good man. I want to love him one day. He is everything a girl wants.

I get out of bed without waking him up. I knock on Mia's door. "Come in!" She says and I step inside. "Girl you where moaning like crazy, I couldn't sleep" she says laughing. "No way I was that loud" I say embarrassed. "Friends huh" she says.

"I mean we were before this happened" I say not sure of what to do. Mia helps me a lot. And when things get tight she knows what to do. So I tell her how I feel about Kai.

"What should I do?" I ask. "Well I would say the best way to forget Ezra is to be with Kai, I'm sure he will make you get over him. And who knows maybe Kai is your soulmate you just can't see it right now, besides I've seen how much Kai makes you laugh, that is a keeper" she says.

"Maybe the universe sent him to you" she teases giving me a wink. "You are so extra" I say laughing. "And yet you still love me" she says as I jump into her arms. "I love you Mia" I say as we hug each other. Her opinion means so much to me. And she is a very clever girl so if Mia says I should try with Kai I will do it. I will find a way to love him.

"Alright I need to go back now" I say getting out of her bed. "Okey but be quiet with the moaning I want to sleep" she says. I close her door and go back to where Kai is sleeping. His dirty blonde hair so smooth looking. I move the hair out of his face as I get back in bed. I try to get some sleep.


Warm lips on my forehead wakes me up. I open my eyes. "Morning" Kai says putting on his clothes. "Good morning" I mumble. It's Saturday and I don't remember school being this exhausting.
"I had a really good time last night" I say smiling. "Me too baby" he says. Baby I don't like it. It's like those cheesy couples that rub their noses together.

"I have to leave for work now but maybe you can come to my place tonight" he says hoping I will. I nod as he kisses me goodbye. I get back to laying down draining myself in thoughts.

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