Chapter 3 (1997)

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Warnings: Consumption of Alcohol, Drunk AJ, Knives, and Abuse

Nick and I were on set to film 'As Long As You Love Me' with the rest of the boys. Nick was filming his part of the video and I was waiting in his dressing room waiting for him. As I was looking around I heard the door open and thinking it was Nick I said, "Hey, baby" but then I turned and saw AJ standing there instead "Oh sorry AJ I thought you were Nick" I said. Without saying a word AJ walked closer and closer to me and I took a step back each time until I was backed up against the wall. He was right in front of me now, his breath tickled my neck and once I smelt his breath, I knew this was bad.

AJ was drunk.

My breathing picked up, he pulled out a knife from his pocket and put the tip to my neck. I tried screaming for help but AJ was too fast and put a hand over my mouth to muffle my yells of fear. Then he put the knife down and brought it to my stomach. At this point I was kicking and squirming underneath him but he wouldn't let go. Before I could even register what was happening I felt the cold blade tear open my skin. He finally let go of me and I fell to the floor holding my stomach, gasping for air. Tears were spilling from my eyes at a really fast pace. AJ started making his way over to me again, loud sobs were now escaping my lips hoping that it would get someone's attention. "Shut the hell up!" AJ yelled at me kicking my leg. My sobs became louder and louder and I began to feel very dizzy from the blood loss. I looked around for something to put up against the wound and as my eyes fell on the door, I realized the door handle looked like it was turning. The door flew open to reveal Kevin I felt relief course through my body, I almost smiled but then I felt pain in your stomach again and you doubled over. "Y/N? What's wrong?" Kevin made his way over to me and knelt down beside your shaking body. "A- AJ" I wheezed out Kevin still looked very confused he turned his head to look at AJ and saw the malicious smirk on his face and realized exactly what was happening. Without question Kevin scooped me up and brought me in his arms "Nick!!" Kevin yelled out and I felt myself smile a little inside thinking of Nick. Nick came running through the opened door "What? What's wrong?" Nick questioned looking over to Kevin but then he saw me in Kevin's arms and he ran over to me picking my hand up and holding it. "Baby? Kev what's wrong? What happened?" Nick asked in a panic. "AJ, he I think he cut her" Kevin said "We have to call 911, she's losing blood fast" "Give her to me, you call" Nick said in a frenzy. And with that Nick scooped me up into his arms and started sprinting out the door. With all the blood loss getting to me, my eyes began to droop slightly, and Nick noticed right away. "Baby, you have to keep your eyes open for me" I slightly nodded my head in agreement, trying so hard to stay awake. "N-Nick-" and then I blacked out.

*One Week Later*
"When is she going to wake up, I can't do this anymore" Nick said. "I don't know if she ever will, it could be a day or month or year, no one can tell" The doctor said. "Ok, well thanks I guess" Nick spoke, the doctor walked out of the room then and closed the door. I felt a warm soft hand grab mine, and slowly rub circles with his thumb. I could tell it was Nick's hand, so with all my strength I gently squeezed his hand. I could feel him stand up abruptly and press a button. "Y/N baby, can you hear me?" You slowly opened your eyes to be met with bright light behind Nick making him look like an angel. "Oh my God, Y/N your ok, oh thank God!" Nick said overwhelmed with happiness. Right then a doctor walked in and walked over to you. "I'm going to need to ask her some questions" "Ok ok then go ahead do it" Nick said very impatiently. "Can you tell me your name" the doctor asked me. "Y/N Y/L/N" I said "Good ok, and do you know who this young man is?" The doctor asked, I almost rolled my eyes of course I knew who he was, he was my boyfriend for crying out loud. Nick looked at me with a mix of fear and eagerness. "Yes, that's Nick Carter my boyfriend" I said. Nick smiled widely and said "Yes baby, I love you so much" "I'll leave you two alone" the doctor said and then walked out. Nick stood up and hugged me so tight, I wanted to hug him back but I was getting really tired again. "Oh baby I'm so happy your ok. I love you angel" "I love you too babe but uh I kinda can't breathe" I said and Nick automatically released me. "I'm sorry love" "It's ok" I said giggling but soon turned into a cough. "Oh my God babe are you ok, I'm so sorry" Nick said moving the hair sticking to my face. "It's-" but I went right back to coughing. Nick carefully handed me a glass water and urged me too drink. I gulped down almost the whole thing and thanked him. "Darling are you ok?" Nick asked gently. "Y-yeah" I said finally done coughing. "Babe-" but Nick was cut off by a knock on the door. Nick went and looked over to the window on the door and saw AJ.

"W-what is he d-doing h-here" I stuttered out. "I don't know babe, I'll go deal with it" Nick said and squeezed my shoulder, trying to comfort me.

I couldn't do this, the guy that tried to kill me is here. What am I going to do? What if he tries something again? I saw Nick bring AJ to the hallway, but it was all a blur. I felt it coming on, and before I knew it, I was having a full on panic attack.

I tried to steady my breathing but I couldn't slow it down. Nick's scent always helped calm me down, but I couldn't get his attention.

Nick finally looked my way, and raced over to me. He slammed open the door, and took my hand. "Hey hey, deep breaths in and out" I tried focusing on his words and his scent.

He took my hand and placed it over his chest, so I could breathe with him. After a few minutes of reassurance on Nick's part, my panic attack ended.

"I'll go tell AJ to leave" Nick said getting up. "No wait I'll talk to him" I said. "Are you sure babe?" I softly shook my head yes.

Nick brought AJ in and he walked over to me very slowly trying to be careful. "Y/N I'm sorry you don't know how bad I feel, I really do suck and I understand if you never forgive me I just needed to get this out. I really care about you and I love you. Your like a sister to me. I'm sorry and I know this won't help but I'm really really sorry" AJ got out. He started walking away from the bed but I reached my hand out to stop him. "Hey hey AJ I forgive you it's ok I know you weren't in the right state of mind. All I need you to do is forgive yourself" I said and pulled him in for a hug. "Thank you Y/N, your amazing you know that?" I laughed into his shoulder. After a while we pulled away.

Nick took my hand and everything felt complete again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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