Chapter 8 - the pictures

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"Are those old photos of the gang from the summer before freshman year..." I ask in shock

I then put the bra down and pick up the stack of photos

"Yea..." don replies as I look threw them

"Oh my god... I can't believe you still have all these"

As I'm looking through the photos I find a picture of Michelle on Kevin's back, me on dons back, and slater doing a funny pose in the middle of us all

That was our gang

Before we were potheads...

Or football players...

Before I moved back with my mom...

We were happy, truly happy

"Look how happy we look," don says

"Yea..." I reply

As I go to the last photo I realize it's a picture of me and don...

"This was taken the day I asked you out," i say

"That was also the day I lost my virginity," don says as he grabs all the pictures and quickly puts them back in the box

"Wait... what-" I say not knowing I was the one he lost his virginity to.

"You were the first person I ever had sex with" don then says

"I know I wasn't the person you lost yours to... but if you don't mind me asking"

Oh here we go

"Who was it" and he asked it

"It was ron slater," I say in a quick tone

"... I assumed" he states

I feel so shitty right now because of what I just said

"You like pink don't you," he asks

"Wh- what," i say shocked

"I can tell you like him, how you and he looked at each other when I saw you yesterday" don states

"He invited me to see Aerosmith with him" I say hesitating a little

"Oh my god that's amazing stevers" he says

Stevers was a nickname he had for me when we used to date

"I like him, but I don't want to rush a relationship. I mean, I've known him for a total of two days and we've barely talked" I say as I look at him with a genuine look on my face

"I get that, I say take it slow and set boundaries, knowing pink I say he'd understand," don says with a sincere tone making sure I know that he knows we won't get back together

"I need to go," I say with the pictures of me and the gang still in my hand leaving the bra as rush out of the house get in my car speed off

I get home and rush straight to my room shutting the door behind me completely forgetting everything that happened prior oh earlier today

I realized that I still had the pictures so I used a thumb tack to put them up on my cork board...

I had been lost in my thoughts for about an hour when I decided to take a shower

As I'm showering, I sing, it is a song that my brother and I both love.

The chain by Fleetwood mac...

"And if you don't love me now and you'll never love me again, i can still he-"

All of a sudden I hear the bathroom door open

"You would never break the chain..." the person says

I immediately recognize the voice

It was pink.

"Nicks" - dazed and confusedWhere stories live. Discover now