chapter 1

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In a dark room, a man was hanging on iron pipes of the ciling with the rope tied to both his wrists.

His eyes closed, blood dripping down his nose and chin while taking slow breathes as if his last. His condition looked extremely bad, he looked half dead person while his with his face badly bruised and his naked body all covered in wounds exposing the flesh under his skin.

There were three men standing besides him ( Jimin, J-hop, Jungkook). When the door opened the bright light hit the man's face.

 He didn't flinced rather hissed softley due to the unbearable pain he was feeling in every single part of his body. 

He opened his eyes and saw two pairs of black shoes. One in the back and and the other one in the front. He knew who was the front man when he slowly lifted his gaze and saw him in formal pants, black shirt and rolled up sleeves. He was Kim Taehyung, the boss.

Standing in front of the man, Taehyung stared at him narrowing his dark deep eyes, a strand of hair came down his left eye and his face looked it was crafted by the gods themselves.

" They beated him like an animal but he did not say anything". Said Leo, a neat looking young man in his late twenties standing behind Taehyung. The hanging man's eyes begain to close, his mouth opened, He was taking shallow breathes.

Staring at him Taehyung spoke, "that's because he doesn't know anything". His voice gravel. "Yeah," Jimin glanced at Taehyung "I think so too" said Jimin. 

Letting out a quick sign, he told his men " unite his hands." With a "yes" boss they acted on his command and did the same.Being freed from the tied up rope, the man fell on the ground like his body had no soul. 

Taehyung lowered his head and stared at him. "You didn't even know anything but you still had to go through a lot." The man gulped the air slowly, his eyes half closed. " You must be in a lot of pain," he asked showing mock smpathy.

With a huff, he countinued. " Don't worry, i'll free you." He lifted his hand signalling J-hop to give him a gun. J-hope put a gun on his hand. Taehyung leveled the revolver at the man's chest. He pulled the trigger roughly and shot to times at the same time.

Coming out of the room with Taehyung. They noticed exasperated expression on his face when he spoke. "We will find him soon." said Jungkook, trying to make him feel calm.

Taehyung stopped and turned to him. "You will have to, as soon as possible," his gaze dark. "How dare he snitch on me and leak important information. I want him to die, come back to life and die everyday for a lo-ong time." His jaw tightened in rage.

"I...I'm sure He's here-", "no!" He snapped," our job here is already done anyways, were going to Manbel tomorrow." He countinued walking and headed towards the stairs. The others followed him side by side. "Our men are here, I will tell them to keep searching" said Jimin.

Once upstairs, Taehyung replied, "I'll rest now." They all noded and and said "yes sir", and with that Taehyung went inside his room.

Two men eneterd in to the mansion with their bodygaurds. seeing them from upstairs, Tony went down in the hall. Tony was an old man in this 50s, he was the best example of the older, the better.

He has been working as an advisor for the KIm family  for 30 years. He was the most trusted butler of the Kim family that now he had become respected part ofthe part. "John brothers?" Tony muttered under his breath. He didn't look happy to see them.

"Tony!" They approached him with a smile, "after a long time my man." Putting their arms on his shoulder by both sides. Tony didnt look that gesture of them either, seemed like he wanted them out of the mansion.

Pushing their arms softly, he spoke " What are you both doing here?" They knew he didn't like them. "C'mon Tony." "Just because now we don't work together, doesn't mean you can't give us a smile." One of them said.

"What do you want? Get to the point." He asked straight away. With a deep sign, the older brother, John Auston said "We were planing to meet Taehyung. We were here due to some work and we heard he was also here. We have something important that we want to discuss with him."

Before Tony could respone, Jimin spoke from behind "boss is resting in his room." Walking over to where they were standing. "And were leaving got Manbel tomorrow, i don't think you can meet him."

"He's leaving tomorrow?"

"That's right" said Tony

"Look!" Auston said, sighing. "It's really important. Tell him that it's us."

"None of us want to invite our death by disturbing him and i am literally TOO young to die" Jimin mocked. They groaned in surrenderance looking at each other. " Its important." Auston said while staring at Jimin. 

"Wait here" Tony told them. Than he turned around to go upstairs. Jimin followed him. "Where are you going?" He asked Tony in a low voice.

"They wont go until they meet him and i reaaly want them to leave." Jimin rolled his eyes.

Tony begam knocking on the door while Taehyungwas a shower. He heard knocks on his door. "Who is this?" he asked loudly.

"Its me Tony come"

"come In!" he said.

Tony opened the door and looked around. "I think i said I'll be resting." Taehyung sounded annoyed.

Tony stared at left and found out he was at the other side behinf the black glass in the shower.

"Uh..... John brothers are here." he said.

"John brother?" He questioned. "What for?"

"Well i think their here to make a deal with you."

Taehyung used to make a lot of deals with the John brother in the past. But from the past two years they weren't in touch anymore as they were not partners. John brothers started doing some activies by killing innocent childern and woman that the Kim family didn't support.

Taehyung liked those guys because they were loyal to him. He didn't care about his activites, but when his grandfather adviced him to break off all his ties with them. He also had to do it in front of him.

The only person  advices Taehyung would respect was his grandfather's. Since then it was the first time they wanted to meet with him.

"I'll come in a bit." He said while walking out of the shower with the towel rapped around him.

"Okay" Tony said while walking out.

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