Just playing (zack)

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TW: cigarettes, the word slut.

You wrote a letter to zack signing it with Mira's name.
The letter read
'Zack please meet me in the rooftop after school I need to tell you something.'
You looked over the lockers you can see Zack in a messy blush.
Of course you asked Mira to go to the roof top too.
You walked to the rooftop plumping up your face and looking hot for him.

You looked over the horizon. Till someone patted your shoulder it was Zack.
You immediately wiped off your grin and looked so innocent and shy.
He spoke scratching his neck.
"Are you the person who wanted to see me?" He knew that it was signed by Mira but he guessed it wasn't.
You lowered your gaze to the floor acting all shy and pure.
"Uh-m yes-s"
You thrilled your hair around your fingertips and started fidgeting.
"I wanted to tell you that I like you." You spoke.
Zack was stunned him?! Why him.
"Oh I'm sorry but I like Mira..."
You looked at him at the eye.
Your eyes were giving the look of pleading.
You closeted the gap between you to and kissed him. Surprisingly he closed his eyes and leaned in to the kiss.
He was desperate for that touch frrrr ☠️
You looked over at his shoulder. Mira was there wide eyed and a tears dropping from her face.
You kept leaning in to the kiss.
You closed your eyes for more effect and placed your hand over his shoulders interlocking it.
You grinned in the kiss.
Mira finally let out a vocal cry. 
As the swooned boy knew that was Mira's cry.
Mira ran away.
Zack stood there stunned.
He dropped to his knees.
You sat at the bench and crossed your legs.
A small grin forming in your lips.
"Chase after her. Isn't she what you only have? Isn't she your forever." Your voice was laced with a rude tone.

That was right. Mira is his one. Not you.
Your just a bitch.

He stood up and quickly ran after her.

You silently said.
I'll be here at the rooftop every day. Waiting for you to accept my love.
But you knew that was never gonna happen.

You took out a lighter and a ciggrate out of your pocket you blew the smoke and gave it to the air. The dopamine finally reached to your head. It felt so. Good. It literally made your stress go away for at least a second.

After you've done your cigarette. The event hits you like a whole building fell down into your heart.

You heart ached. You could never express your love on a good way. Your love felt so forced and like your acts are home wrecking.
You went to the ledge of the rooftop looked down on the building and saw Mira and zack talking.
Mira hugged him.
Zack just kissed her.
But it looked so genuine he really wanted this.

It tore your heart apart and you left thru the back gate.

You didn't go to school for a week till your heart recovered.

You went to school looking hot obvi I have to look care free.

You walked to school looking confident and hot.
As you walked into class you sat next to Daniel.
You took a quick glance to Zack and Mira and him were acting like a couple.

Daniel looked at you.
"You look kinda bummed out Y/N."
"You think so?" You said not sparing a glance.
"Okay yes you do how about we hang out after school? Maybe at the fountain?" Daniel asked
This would be a good distraction.

You approached Daniel sitting at the fountain with a smile on his face.
"Hey Daniel." You smiled.
"Hey you look pretty." His eyes were glistening.

You looked at each other with an intense eye contact.
Daniel leaned in his eyes were close and you just let him kiss you. You didn't mind he was cute.

Soon the date ended you went to the rooftop as you promised.
You sat at the same bench and took out another cigarette.
You heard the rooftop door open. Expecting it was a teacher you stomped your cigarette and started to chew gum.
It wasn't. It was Zack.

His body was facing you blocking the view.
You moved aside and he took the seat next to you. There was a quiet moment.
"Look Y/N. I'm with Mira I love Mira at least I think I do." Zack said.
"I understand I'm sorry that I did that." You looked over him with a smile obvious pain was planted in your face.

Fuck it you heard him say.
He lifted your chin and started kissing you like a animal.
"Your lips are addicting."  Zack said.
You pushed him of even if it gutted when you did.
"Your daring Mira. I don't wanna be called a slut that I makes out with you the 2nd time when you two are official.

You laughed even though you knew you were lying.
I was just joking about the kiss at the first time. I don't really like you I was just being a bitch.
You smiled at him with a mocking smile.

He was stunned.
He just nodded and went separate ways.

You took out another cigarette and smoked. You liked this bliss not the one where you kiss someone elses man. You loved him but it was the wrong time.

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