Chapter 40

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 As Russell and Simone busied themselves with the logistics of their grim task, I stood there, a silent observer, feeling a cold shiver run down my spine. The casual nature of their discussion about using the mind wipe serum on the cryo-chambers was chilling. They spoke of erasing identities, of wiping clean the minds of my people, with the same detachment one might have while discussing mundane chores. Yet, as horrifying as it was, it wasn't surprising. Time and again, the Primes had shown their willingness to sacrifice anyone and anything in the pursuit of their own survival. The depth of their self-preservation knew no bounds, and their moral compass seemed irrevocably skewed. The weight of the situation pressed heavily upon me. I needed to formulate a plan, and quickly. There was no way I could continue living this lie as Joseph, not when the lives of so many hung in the balance. The thought of failing them, of allowing the Primes to execute their plan unchallenged, was unbearable.

With a sense of resolve, I turned away from the window overlooking the cryo-chambers. The rows of sleeping bodies, unaware of the danger they were in, only strengthened my determination. I faced Russell and Simone, my expression carefully neutral, hiding the storm of emotions and plans brewing inside me. In that moment, I understood the critical role I had to play. I needed to be smart, cunning, and above all, convincing. Any sign of treachery could spell disaster not just for me, but for everyone I was trying to protect. I took a deep breath, steadying my nerves. The next words I would speak, the actions I would take, they all had to be part of a carefully choreographed dance. It was a dance of deception, a performance that I had to deliver flawlessly if I were to outwit Russell and Simone and save my people from their diabolical scheme. The room felt smaller, the air thicker with tension. It was a pivotal moment, and the choices I made now would determine the fate of countless lives. It was time to act.

"I can't believe I'm saying this," I said, my voice laced with feigned hesitation. "But...are we sure? I mean, it is the rest of the human race after all."

Simone chuckled, dismissing my apparent concern. "You sound like your father," she said as she busied herself with the equipment. "Well, this tank's bigger than the one on Eligius III, but this is where it goes." She gestured towards a large container.

Extending her hand towards me, she demanded, "Give me the serum."

My mind raced. It was now or never.

"Just wait," I interjected, my expression morphing into one of feigned concern. "Are you feeling okay? You look pale. Have you had any nosebleeds or memory flashes that aren't familiar?"

"No," she spat back harshly, her patience wearing thin. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, it's something I saw in Kegan's mindspace," I continued, improvising. "His mother had the same neuro-mesh as he did. I thought they destroyed it with an EMP, but—"

"They did," Russell cut in, his voice firm. "I examined her before resurrection. I wasn't about to make the same mistake twice."

"Joseph," Simone hissed, growing more irritated. "Give it to me."

As she reached for the capsule, I pulled my arm back, holding it just out of her reach. My gaze shifted to Russell, searching for any sign of suspicion. His eyes met mine, and in that brief exchange, I knew he was onto me. He knows. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. My cover was blown. In those critical seconds, my mind raced through the possible outcomes. Russell's discovery of my true identity could unravel everything we had worked for. I needed to act fast, to salvage the situation, or all would be lost. The room was charged with tension, a silent standoff between Russell, Simone, and me. The fate of our friends, the future of the human race, hinged on what happened next. It was a moment of truth, a test of wit and willpower.

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