Quidditch World Cup

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Disclaimer:This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by J. K. Rowling. No money is being made.

Warnings: This story will be Slash. There will be torture and death.


Remus was trying not to laugh, he really was, but it was impossible. He did not feel an ounce of pity for Sirius, it was his own fault. Harry had warned him. He had told him not to wake him up at some ungodly hour of the morning, even if it was his birthday. But did Sirius listen? Of course he didn't, and now he had to suffer the consequences.

"It isn't funny." grumbled Sirius, making Remus laugh even harder.

He looked at Sirius again and started to find it difficult to breath. But he challenged anyone to look at Sirius and not laugh.

It was pink.

It was frilly.

It was a dress.

And Sirius was wearing it.

And no matter what he did he couldn't change to any other clothing.

"He warned you." Remus told him, when he had his laughing under control.

"But this... This is far too cruel!" whined Sirius, looking at his friend, begging with his eyes for him to help him, to find some way to get him out of the pink monstrosity.

Before Remus could say anything, the door to the kitchen opened and Harry walked in.

"Remus." he greeted with a small smile, "Mutt." he greeted Sirius, glancing at him with a blank expression.

"Haarryyy..." said mutt whined, "Don't you think you are being far too cruel? What did I, your innocent godfather, ever do to you to deserve this?" he asked, pointing at the pink, florescent pink no less, thing he was wearing.

Harry gave him a deadpan look, picked up his morning coffee, and left the kitchen. It was far too early to deal with the insanity that was Sirius.

"You really shouldn't have woken him at six in the morning." Remus told him, trying, and failing, to keep a straight face. He followed Harry out of the kitchen, leaving a grumbling Sirius behind. Really Sirius had only himself to blame. They knew how much Harry liked to sleep in, aside from that, a Harry without his morning coffee was a scary thing. Sirius really should have known better.

The rest of the day went by relatively normally. Even though it was his birthday, Harry hadn't wanted a party. He liked to have a bit of time for himself and he would have enough excitement when he went to the Quidditch World Cup. At Draco's request, they would be going a few days before the match. Draco and the rest of the Court would all be there, even the twins, Neville, and Luna. They were used to being together for the holidays and the Slytherins had wanted to include the rest of the Court in their little tradition, it was only right, they were a part of the Court. The World Cup would be the perfect time to do so. The Weasleys would never allow the twins to go to Malfoy Manor, or anywhere else that was even a bit related to Death Eaters. The same could be said for Neville's grandmother. The World Cup gave them the perfect excuse. Neville told his grandmother that he would be with Luna, Luna told her father that she would be with friends and the twins told their parents they would be with their friend Lee, who also happened to be going to the camping site earlier. Usually, a plan like that would fail spectacularly, because it would only take one of the parents to talk to the other for the entire thing to come crumbling down like a house of cards. However, Luna's father was so out of it most of the time that he had no idea what Luna was up to most days. The elder Weasleys didn't really pay that much attention to the twins, if they talked to Lee and Lee told them that the twins weren't there they would think that they had confused the name of the friend and would probably forget about it soon after, because they would be dealing with something one of their other children had done. Neville's grandmother on the other hand couldn't care less what her grandson did, as long as he didn't 'disgrace' the family name. Hanging out with Death Eater's spawn disgraced the family name, hanging out with a girl who came from a Light family such as the Lovegoods and working on her gardens didn't.

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