Chapter 2

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As soon as Naruto got home, he took out the book and started reading through it. He had just finished reading through a paragraph on the way the chakra was supposed to flow in the transformation jutsu and was staring intently at the word.


What did that even mean?! Was he supposed to know what it meant? He needed to find out and to do that, he would go where he got the rest of his awesome ninja knowledge. The academy.

He leapt up from the floor and made his way down to the nearby ally. No one would know he had done this, so he had to be careful no one would see him acting suspiciously.

He took care to creep around spills and stay in the shadows. He was quiet, gazing intently In front of him as he swiftly made it to the gate. He climbed up a tree and jumped onto another tree, over the gate.

He crept through the shadows and into an empty classroom, via window. The door was slightly ajar, so he poked his head out a little and ducked right back in. A chunin teacher strolled by the classroom.

Naruto waited a minute after he stopped hearing any footsteps. He peeked out again, looking both ways. He tip toed out of the classroom and went through the hallways.

He followed the signs that led him to the hoard of knowledge where he had heard of from a couple of civilian classmates whispering about. It wasn’t his fault he had good hearing, he didn’t do it on purpose.

When he was face to face with the doors, he paused. A lock. Of course it wouldn’t be that easy. There had to be something more to keep anyone from just coming as they please. This was full of Shinobi training knowledge. Surely it wasn’t that easy.

He approached the door and held his breath. He took out a metal wire he kept in a stitched pocket on his shorts. You never knew what was gonna happen ok!

He moved it around a bit until he heard a click. He opened the door, thankful it wasn’t squeaky, and tensed as soon as he stepped inside. Nothing happened.

“Seriously,” he whispered, “Seriously, Ya’know!?” he hissed to no one as he stared.

There in all it’s glory, was the Academy library. He left the door ajar and made his way around. He saw some pretty interesting titles, 'Tricks And Tactics On How To Handle Idiotic Elder Brothers', but he had stuff to do! He can come back later, if that sham of a lock was a usual occurrence.

He stopped on a shelf that had the label ‘CHAKRA’. He passed through the books until he found one with three copies. They wouldn’t miss one if there were others.

He took it out, it was fairly big and not too heavy, but not too small. It was labelled, ‘Chakra Theory, Hopefully This Guide Will Help You Not Blow Your Self Up Like An Idiot, Or Alternately Titled; Chakra For Dummies’ by Tobirama Senju.

“Must’ve been a pretty funny guy, Ya’know.” Naruto murmured. He stuffed the book in his bag. It looked scuffed up, more than the others, it looked well used. Lovingly used, it was thicker, with a bunch of squiggles on the back, made with ink.

He shrugged and turned on his heal and made sure to check both ways before going out into the hallway, not before locking the door. Naruto hopped out the window to land on a thick tree branch and made his way down.

Once he got back, he threw his bag next to his textbook. He opened the cupboard and took out a miso flavoured cup ramen. While Naruto waited for the water to boil, he took out the chakra theory book and opened it to the first page.

He didn’t get far into the introduction before the water went off. He got back to reading and couldn’t help but compare the book to the academy book. It was way easier to understand than the other. It was super simple to understand, and he soaked it all up.

By the end of the first chapter, Naruto understood what chakra was, and that the chakra pathways existed as well. He wanted to continue, but he had three jutsu to learn! He could read it later, too many books would be bad for his health!

He closed the book and looked around. It was dark out! He hadn’t known he had stayed up this late, but with his trip to the academy, it should be expected.

The academy was tomorrow, he would have to head to sleep, but he couldn’t leave the books unprotected. He thought of that one loose floorboard and the metal box he had found abandoned near an alleyway.

Naruto gathered up the bag and book he had left on his floor and stalked over to the window. Underneath the window lay an unsuspecting metal box that would fit the books just fine.

He placed the books in the box and made his way to his bedroom. Leaving the bag at the end of the bed, Naruto moved the carpet to the side and pried the floorboard open. It had some dirt piled up that he scraped to the side, but in the end, it fit a bit loosely.

The floorboard was placed back and the carpet made to look exactly the same. Naruto jumped onto the bed and sprawled his limbs randomly.

He wondered why exactly he hadn’t been told any of that. Why had no one taught him anything about chakra.

Those thoughts left him by morning, the sound of leaves moving with the wind and a rough laugh following.

End notes.

The book Naruto finds was made by Tobirama when he saw an Uzumaki child blow up a leaf the were using for the leaf sticking chakra control exercise. He made it for any Uzumaki that were looking for chakra knowledge and control.

The seal on the back was made so that a person’s attention would slide right off of it, or think it belongs with the other books it was near, forgetting about it afterwards. It draws Uzumaki in, and take attention of it away from anyone else. No one would notice it go missing, and Naruto would eventually forget it was supposed to be in the library.

Later, Naruto will understand the seal and remember that it was from the library. Once you know what the seal means, the seal is cancled out because you have the knowledge of the seal and thus the knowledge of the book. Thus making it easy for Tobirama to access.

Also the end, I don’t know what to do with it, it just came like that. I swear this isn’t becoming a reincarnation fic, maybe something to do with the seal🤔? Tobirama made it for the Uzumaki, so the seal could totally have some chakra imprinted memories.

Also if you couldn’t tell, I made these notes at different times. The former, just after I had written about the book (btw this whole story came right out of my ass, I should not have been given a phone.). The latter was just after I had finished the chapter.

Warning: this was not beta read, like at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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