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The camera turns on and all wfe can see is a close-up of mario


He replaces the camera in its usual place

Hey Steve!!

Mario scratches his head before laughing in embarrassment

You know the video before? Please don't look at it! Mario was really pissed off that day and he didn't really think what he was saying!!

ANYWAY! NOW THAT'S IN THE PAST! Mario really can't wait for you to come back! PLUS! If you come back real soon...

He is looking for something before showing it front of the's was Mario's spaghetti...

Mario will give you all his spaghetti!

And you know that Mario doesn't give his spaghetti to everyone!

Mario takes a pose like a hero before returning to his normal pose

So...please come back?

Oh oh! If you don't like spaghetti... even if its impossible because who doesn't like spaghetti!

Mario wanders off! So if you don't like spaghetti, we have plenty of food at the castle!

So come back tomorrow? Or after tomorrow? Or the day after tomorrow? Please?

Mario smiles sadly

You know if you don't want food you can come back for your know they miss you too...and to tell the truth nothing has been the same since you left

So can come back...when you want huh...but if you could come back quickly...well that would be great!

Especially since Mario need to talk to you face to face!

Mario smiles before looking at the ground and sighs, passing a hand over his face

that's when he whispered to himself

Mario has to ask glitchy for help with the editing...even if we don't talk too much...

he was silent for a moment with his hand over his mouth

before looking at the camera again and putting his hand on the floor

but's not your fault.

But when he was about to speak... in the distance we hear luigi's voice calling mario.

Hey Steve I have to go! I leave you the spaghetti here! And remember that when you come back that you won't be alone because...

I will always wait for you!

And i will still wait for you. [Smg4 Stevario]Where stories live. Discover now