Chapter Twelve

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            Until The End Of Time

            Mariana's P.o.v

After my talk with Austin,I just walked away because i was more than confused.
  I have had boy problems back in highschool but not this kind, it's so stressful.

I started getting calls from Alice, Jasper and Brandon but i ignored them all,am not in the mood to talk to anyone.

"Mom,am going to bed" I said to my mom as i washed the dishes.

"So soon? Aren't you going on a walk with Jasper?"

"How do you know about that?"

"Please, everytime you come back from your walk,you are smiling like a happy baby" I giggled at how she sounded like a teenager.

"So why aren't you going on a walk?"

"Am just tired, School was stressful"

"Okay, Goodnight" I started heading to my room when the door bell rang.

My mom opened the door but i couldn't see the person.

"Who are you?"

" looking for Mariana"

That voice, What's he doing here?

I went over to the entrance,his face was covered in bruises.

  "Brandon,What are you doing here?"

"You know him?" My mom asked and i nodded.

"Yeah, He's my friend"

"I tried calling you but you weren't picking my calls so i decided to come here,We need to talk" I exhaled deeply.

"You can come in,I'll leave you two to talk" My mom went upstairs while Brandon and I sat in the living room.

"Your sister is really beautiful"

"Uh.. She's not my sister, She's my mom" His eyes widen in shock.
"Your mom? She looks so young"

"Yeah,She gets that alot...So why are you here?"

"First of,am really sorry about the fight scene you saw,Jasper and i are really getting off on the wrong foot"

"What's the main reason for your fight?"


"Me? So you two had nothing else to do than to fight over a girl,Wow"
  "It's just that, Jasper isn't what you see him to be,He has a really messed up life,He has used girls like they were nothing"

"Brandon,You have been his friends for so long and you have seen him do all that,Why didn't you say anything? Why now when am involved"

"Because you are a really good person,You have standards, principles and i respect you alot"

"Jasper told me that you are in love with me,is that true?" He chuckled softly.

"I admit that you are undeniably beautiful and so intelligent and that i felt something for you when i saw you for the first time but it's not love,I admire you, that's all"

Well, that's a relief, It'll be so weird if ge did like me.

"Has Jasper told you what he did to Sandra?"
"No,he said he didn't want to talk about it"

"Of course, he'll say that, he's going to keep telling you that till you forget the issue"

"Then tell me what happened to her"

"Sandra was a year lower than us,just like you,She was beautiful and so free minded, She was the first girl i ever loved.

  She became friends with all of us including Alice,back then Alice was in senior year in high school.

Unlike you,She fell for Jasper's charm, She would cling to him like glue,I tried to warn her about him,i didn't want her to be used by him because i loved her.

Sandra was head over in love with Jasper who didn't give a damb about her, Alice also talked to her brother to let Jasper leave Sandra but it fell i deaf ears.

He pretended to like her,He acted so different with her but everything was a sham until he finally slept with her.

Sandra would come to me and tell me how bad Jasper treated her,Jasper pushed her away,She would try to prove her love to him by doing nasty things during s*x but Jasper would kiss other girls in front of her.

Then one night, we were all at a party, Sandra kept bugging Jasper so he told her that if she would smoke a certain amount of weed he would accept her back.
She did it and she became so high, Jasper left her to go meet other girls. Sandra was so high,Alice and i tried running after her but she got in the middle of the street and got knocked down by a truck,She died on the spot"

"Oh My Goodness" i covered my mouthin shock.

"That's why Alice and I have been warning you, Jasper might seem all sweet and nice but that's also one of his tactics to get you on his bed"

The Next Day.

After Brandon left at night,I couldn't stop thinking about what he said,Was Jasper so heartless?
He treated Sandra so badly and she was in love with him.

Is he trying to do the same thing with me?
All those times he acted so sweet and friendly,Was it all a sham too?

"Mari, What's wrong?You seem so lost" My mom's voice jolted me back to reality.

"Um.. it's nothing" A car horn was heard from outside.

"That must be Jasper,Go on" i exhaled before heading outside.

He was leaning on his car, Swinging his keys in his hands

"The Princess has arrived" He opened the door for me to get in but i just stared at him.


"Your knuckles healed fast, it's like you never punched anyone"

"Oh,Yeah..i called you like a thousands times yesterday"

"I was busy"

"Is this about Austin?"

"I don't want to talk about it"  I got into the car and closed the door.

The car was so quiet unlike before,we would have been teasing each other and listening to the songs on the radio.

We finally got to school,I quickly came down from his car,He came after me and spun me around.

"What's wrong, Mari? The way you look at me has changed, What's wrong?
If it's about Brandon,I swear I'll apologise to him right way"

"It's not that,I just really need to go to class"

I freed myself from his grip and tried to walk away but he held so tight that his nails were digging inside my skin.

"What did Brandon tell you, I know he told you something"

"Let me go,You are hurting me"

"No,You have to tell me first"

"And if i don't,What are you going to do? Treat me the way you treated Sandra" His grip on me eased down,he let go of me.

"He told you,That b*stard told you,It wasn't his story to tell"

"Yes,it is..He loved her and you took her away from him and caused her death"

"Mari, let's just talk about it"

"No,i don't want to..We are going to end this fake relationship today,i don't want anything to do with you"

I walked away angrily.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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