Episode 12: truth always comes out

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It's been a day since the events happened with the todoroki family

Within the news reporting the number 2 hero endeavor has fallen and lost his life after battle with people wanting to blame others on why it happened

News & papers including online wanting to know  where the todoroki boys are along with their mother where are the main people who should be in the center of everything doing interviews or having there picture taken of them leaving the hospital

Aizawa had talked to touya about this he had gotten a lot of answers he wasn't happy about of he being honest to himself

Due to the situation Rei  may be getting  discharged from the hospital due to her husband's death possibly since known her  actions have taken her rights away temporarily

The todoroki children will be in the care of sister who has volunteered to stay with her at their residency having a son herself and being a single parent due to her ex husband's death

Her  dr was very concerned about her  mental health along with cps who had to step in now due the untimely matter  If She is released a  new house nurse will stay with her in the maid's room along while her sister  helps the boys to stay in a good environment 

She is waiting for everything to be cleared before a funeral can be planned since he was the number 2 hero and her husband but left in the hands of his sidekicks if not able to

Aizawa has been communicating with her over the phone right now he won't reveal their location But it seems things are going as planned

Phone call  :

: Mrs todoroki I know you want to see your children but I can't let you until I have permission from your caseworker before your aloud to see them or be near them

Rei : I know but why my children with yours if my husband sends them away to my mothers

:  your oldest son ran away with the younger two who stayed  your daughter was with them but got off the train and went back my children were not a part of it when this happened

I can't reveal his location let alone the other children as you are aware there was an attack on the school where your second oldest son was at

Your husband made his sidekicks in charge of your children until you are mentally well  until then my hands are tied

Rei : I need to see them ! I'm sorry I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that

: mrs todoroki your attitude is not helping the situation let your case may I remind you of what happened

Not only did you attack your husband who is known to have died due to villains your youngest son was burned by your quirk due to you being mentally unstable at the moment

Your son touya has been talking to a worker about things in the household 

In fact she requested to speak to you about something I put her on the line

Worker : hello oh were on let's get started first thank you Aizawa for being willing to help

Now mrs todoroki the dr has not requested to be discharged due to your husband's death along with your daughter but he can't hold there unless he has to

now something has been brought to my attention in fact your marriage being one of them if I'm correct right  Mrs todorok

Rei : I don't know what you're talking about

Worker : as you are aware quirk marriages are illegal including those who are arranged to make  quirk marriage children  I managed to but  it together

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